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Remembering Names Soft Skill Builder For The Workplace And Life.

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Presentation on theme: "Remembering Names Soft Skill Builder For The Workplace And Life."— Presentation transcript:

1 Remembering Names Soft Skill Builder For The Workplace And Life

2 Question?  Have you ever run into someone that you have met before and can't remember that person's name? It can be an awkward situation for both you and the other person.

3 Reason  When we remember someone, We're telling him, "you're important."  When we forget a person, We may leave the opposite impression.

4 Think…  You want great service at a restaurant? Call the waitress by name when you place your order.  Want to be the center of influence at a party? Introduce people you just met to others at the party.

5  People love to hear their own name. “A person's name is to that person, the sweetest most important sound in any language." Dale Carnegie, (1888-1955), Author and motivational speaker on self-improvement, salesmanship, and corporate training

6 How To Remember 1. Look and Listen—  Look at the person.  Get a strong mental image of the person.  What characteristics make the person unique?  Is the person large, small, tall, thin, lots of hair, no hair?  Listen clearly to the name.  Ask the person to repeat his/her name if you do not hear the name clearly.

7 How To Remember  Mind Picture— Associate the person's name with a picture that is easy to recall.  The full name should create ONE picture.  The person whose name you have made a picture of should be in the picture. Difficult names may need to be broken down into syllables to create memorable pictures.  Example: Staneart (Stan-irt)-Picture me STANding up to my waist in dIRT.

8 How To Remember  Exaggerate— The more exaggerated and colorful the picture, the easier it will be to remember. Make the picture larger than life. Make it funny. Add a little danger.

9  Repeat— Repeat the name silently to yourself a few times. Try to use the name in conversation. Introducing the person to others can be an easy way to repeat the name without drawing attention.

10 Remembering Names  Methods are fairly simple and obvious, but are quite powerful.  Association either with images of a name or with other people can really help recall of names.  Repetition and review help it to sink in.  An important thing to stress is practice, patience, and progressive improvement in remembering names.

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