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Those who don’t learn from history are destined to repeat it…

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1 Those who don’t learn from history are destined to repeat it…

2 Mr. Korinek 7 th Grade Social Studies

3  Studying history involves what happened in the past and why.  World history Eras 1-3 (ancient history) involves the things that happened in the distant past.  TIMELINE ◦ EARLIEST HUMANS-> THROUGH-> EARLIEST CIVILZATIONS

4  People who study history are a lot like detectives.  They ask questions, study the evidence for clues, and form hypotheses (educated guesses).  What was life like long ago?  On September 12, 1940 four French teenagers found a cave. In that cave were paintings of animals. Who painted them? What did they mean? How do you solve a mystery like this one? The clues are centuries old, and the witnesses are gone.



7  Archeologists examine the object that people have left behind.  Artifacts are anything made or used by people, such as clothing, tools, weapons and coins.  Archeologists ask: Who lived in this place? When did they live? What were they like? Then they study artifacts for clues.


9  Historians are the recorders of the past.  Human beings have been around for a very long time.  Historians are most interested in the last few thousand years, when people began leaving written records.  They ask: What happened in the past? To find out they study all kinds of artifacts and documents. They read diaries and letters.  Besides asking what happened, they try to ask why events happened the way that they did.


11  Geographers study natural features of the Earth, such as water, landforms, plants, and animals.  They also look at humanmade features, such as towns, roads, bridges and dams.  They answer questions like: Where did people live? How did they use their environment to survive?






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