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Bump on Thylakoids of Some Algae. Bifurcating Tip of Some Brown Algae Shoots; Contains Gametangia.

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Presentation on theme: "Bump on Thylakoids of Some Algae. Bifurcating Tip of Some Brown Algae Shoots; Contains Gametangia."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bump on Thylakoids of Some Algae

2 Bifurcating Tip of Some Brown Algae Shoots; Contains Gametangia

3 Collective Term for All Coccoliths in a Haptophyte

4 Type of Eubacterial Recombination Illustrated

5 An Alveolus Filled with Cellulose

6 A Fossilized Dinoflagellate Cyst

7 A Water Pump in Freshwater Algae

8 Type of Feeding Apparatus

9 Collective Term for All the Thecal Plates

10 Main Portion of a Flagellum (with 9 + 2 Microtubules)

11 Combined Heterotrophic and Autotrophic Capability

12 Combined Term for Epitheca + Hypotheca

13 Mineralized Case in Some Euglenoids

14 Indicated Groove

15 Structure Found in Some Cyanobacteria

16 Diatom Cell Division Phenomenon: Size Reduction

17 First Cousin of Euglena

18 Indicated Organ

19 Brown Carotenoid Pigment found in Diatoms and Brown Algae

20 Interlocking Protein Strips beneath Cell Membrane of Euglenoids

21 Extra “Flagellum” in Haptophytes

22 Indicated Brown Algal Cell Wall Component

23 Dormant Dinoflagellate Zygote

24 Red Algae Encrusted with Calcium Carbonate

25 Protein Aggregation (including Rubisco) in Cyanobacteria

26 Name of Groove

27 Term for Endosymbiotic Dinoflagellates in Coral

28 Reinforcing Protein Rod of a Euglenoid Flagellum

29 Life Cycle in which Diploid and Haploid Stages look Identical

30 Diatom Zygote (Minus Frustule) which functions to Increase in Size

31 Elaborate Eyelike Structure in Dinoflagellates

32 Red Algal Cell Wall Component used as Agar Component

33 Type of Organism Uptaken in Primary Endosymbiosis

34 Coccolith Type Formed Internally

35 Breast-Stroke like Movement in Euglena

36 Site of Nitrogen Fixation in Cyanobacteria

37 Fossilized Cyanobacterial Deposits

38 Indicated Organ

39 Junction of Two Thecal Plates

40 Packets of Defensive Chemicals in Brown Algae

41 Perforations in Diatom Frustule

42 Food Storage Product in Euglena

43 First Cousin of Dinoflagellates; Blood Parasites

44 Condition when Diploid and Haploid Stages are Different

45 Flagellum Type

46 Description for Illustrated Frustule Surface Feature

47 Name of Indicated Clade

48 Elaborate Water Pump, Consisting of Multiple Vesicles, in Dinoflagellates

49 N2N2 NH 3 Indicated Chemical Process

50 Pockets Sunken in Receptacles of Fucus

51 Fissure in Epitheca and/or Hypotheca of Diatom

52 Flagellated Zygote in Dinoflagellates

53 Protein Cylinders involved in Cyanobacterium Motility

54 Cell Wall Component of Cyanobacterium

55 Phenomenon Illustrated

56 Rows of Areolae in Diatoms

57 Cell Wall Perforations in Brown Algae

58 Illustrated Dinoflagellate Feeding Apparatus

59 Diatom Shape

60 Life Cycle in which only a Diploid Stage Predominates

61 Light Gathering Region of Euglenoid

62 Protein Cluster Associated with Chloroplast, Often Containing Rubisco

63 Cyanobacterium Storage Structures Indicated by Red Arrows

64 Indicated Clade

65 Name of Flagellum

66 Molecule Discovered in This Green Alga

67 Deadly Toxin Released by Diatoms

68 Climatic Effects of DMS Release by Haptophytes

69 Type of Cell Uptaken by Haptophytes and Stramenopiles in Secondary Endosymbiosis

70 Type of Cell Uptaken by Euglenoids in Secondary Endosymbiosis

71 Name of Peptidoglycan Retaining Plastid in Glaucophytes

72 What Protein is Missing from Dinoflagellate Chromosomes?

73 Name the Protein Fiber Projectiles Found in Dinoflagellates

74 Name the Harpoon Projectiles Found in Dinoflagellates

75 Name the Mucilage Bodies Ejected from Some Dinoflagellates

76 Name the Dinoflagellate Particles that contain Enzymes and Chemicals Associated with Bioluminescence


78 Name the Dinoflagellate Storage Molecule

79 Endosymbiont: Diatom, Cryptomonad What Type of Endosymbiosis is Indicated Below?

80 Name the Cell Division Process

81 Name the Type of Branching Below

82 Name the Type of Cyanobacterium Spore Type

83 Name the Cyanobacterial Vegetative Propagule

84 Cyanobacterium Spore Type

85 General Term for Pigments in a Phycobilisome

86 General Term for Pigments that Absorb Photons and Transfer Energy to Chlorophyll a

87 Gelatinous Colonies of Euglenoids

88 Groove at Anterior End of Euglenoid

89 Region in Haptophyte where Food is Balled up by Haptonema

90 24 Non-Calcified Scales in a Haptophyte

91 Phaeocystis Colony Type of Algae that causes Green Foam on Ocean Surface

92 Name for Greenhouse Product Derived from Algae

93 11 1 : Diatom Storage Product

94 Name for Diatom Surface Feature

95 Name for Mucilage Secreting Tube in Diatoms

96 Name for Chitin Secreting Tube in Diatoms

97 Valve View or Girdle View?

98 20 Heterotrophic Uptake of Dissolved Carbon

99 Vesicle Responsible for Depositing Silica during Cytokinesis in Diatoms

100 Centric or Pennate Diatom Sex?


102 Grossly Dimorphic Gamete Size is Referred to As:

103 Brown Algae Growth Not Concentrated in any Specific Region

104 Region of Brown Algae Growth Concentrated near Base of Stipe

105 Region of Brown Algae Growth Originating at Margins of Blade

106 Brown Algae “Floats”

107 Sugar Conducting Cells in Brown Algae

108 3 1 : Brown Algae Storage Product

109 How is Brown Algae Cytokinesis Similar to Cytokinesis in Plants?

110 How is Cytokinesis in Brown Algae Different than Cytokinesis in Plants?

111 How is Cytokinesis in Brown Algae Different than Cytokinesis In Diatoms?

112 11 Type of Sporangium in Ectocarpus in Which Meiosis occurs to produce Haploid Spores Sporophyte (2n)

113 Type of Gametangia in Ectocarpus in which Mitosis happens to Produce Gametes Gametophyte (n)

114 Female Gametangium Male Gametangium General Name for a Sex Hormone in Ectocarpus

115 Term for Male Gametangium in Fucus

116 Term for Female Gametangium in Fucus

117 Cell Division Process that Results in Sperm and Egg Formation in Fucus

118 Algal Group from which Plants Probably Evolved

119 Pigment found in ALL PHOTOTROPHIC ALGAE

120 Pigment found ONLY in some cyanobacteria, green algae and plants

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