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Environmental Laws. Lacey Act (1900) John F. Lacey “Father of Conservation Legislation”

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1 Environmental Laws

2 Lacey Act (1900) John F. Lacey “Father of Conservation Legislation”

3 Lacey Act  Prohibited transportation of illegally captured or prohibited animals across state lines  First law to protect wildlife  Now mostly used to prevent the spread of potentially dangerous non-native invasive species

4 Superfund (1980)  Provides for the EPA’s cleanup of illegal toxic waste dump sites such as Love Canal and Times Beach  Fines the people/companies for the spill and clean up

5 Clean Air Act (1963)  regulated air emissions from area, stationary, and mobile sources  authorized the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to establish National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS)

6 Clean Water Act (1977)  gave EPA the authority to set standards for industry  made it unlawful for any person to discharge any pollutant from a point source into navigable waters unless a permit (NPDES) is obtained

7 Endangered Species Act (1973)  provided a program for the conservation of threatened and endangered plants and animals and their habitats  prohibits killing, harming habitat, or transporting any endangered species

8 National Environmental Policy Act (1970)  one of the first laws written to protect the environment  says that all government branches give proper consideration to the environment before undertaking any federal actions

9 CITES- Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (1975)  an international agreement between governments  ensures that trade of wild animals does not threaten their survival  only 1 species has become extinct since 1975

10 Montreal Protocol (1989)  treaty designed to protect the ozone layer  phased out ozone depleting substances, such as CFC’s

11 Kyoto Protocol (1997)  designed to reduce climate change  reduces the amount of carbon dioxide emissions from signing countries

12 Wilderness Act (1964)  created the National Wilderness Preservation System  defined wilderness in America  signed by LBJ in 1964

13 National Forest Management Act (1976)  first legislation that discussed the administration of national forests  called for the management of renewable resources on national forest land

14 The World Conservation Union  encourages conservation and sustainable use of natural resources

15 UN Conference on Environment and Development (The Earth Summit)  Held in Rio de Janeiro in 1992  Produced Agenda 21 and the Rio Declaration (Earth Charter)  Outlined policies for sustainable development

16 Rio Declaration  27 principals designed to guide future sustainable development around the world

17 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)  group of scientists studying climate change and its causes

18 Law of the Sea  addresses ocean pollution problems

19 Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety  agreement addressing the transport and use of genetically modified organisms (GMO’s)

20 Resource Conservation and Recovery Act  Allows EPA to identify hazardous waste and set standards for their management  Said that firms have to have permits stating how waste is being managed, from manufacture to disposal

21 Surface Mining and Reclamation Act  requires mining companies to restore the land so it can be used for the same purpose as before it was mined

22 John Muir (1838 – 1914)  patron saint of the American wilderness  founded the Sierra Club  got Yosemite to be named a National Park

23 Rachel Carson (1907- 1964)  Wrote The Silent Spring to bring awareness to the hazards of DDT. The book is considered the beginning of the modern environmental movement

24 Garrett Hardin (1915 – 2003)  Came up with the idea of the “Tragedy of the Commons” which greatly impacted the management of renewable resources

25 Case Study #1  The African Elephant is an endangered species which lives in Africa. They have become endangered because of the trading of their tusks. Name 2 acts that now protect the African Elephant and tell me how these acts protect them.

26 Case Study #2  A rural farm gets its water from a nearby well. The water in the well is from a stream. The fertilizer runoff from the farm often ends up in the well water. What 1 acts should be protecting the farmer and his family from the fertilizer pollution?

27 Case Study #3  The government wants to build a new building for its CIA. What 2 acts can/will have an effect on their plans? Explain!

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