The Daily 5 Restructuring the literacy block April 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "The Daily 5 Restructuring the literacy block April 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Daily 5 Restructuring the literacy block April 2010

2 What is the Daily 5? The Daily 5 is more than a management system or a curriculum framework - it is a structure that helps students develop the daily habits of reading, writing, and working independently that will lead to a lifetime of literacy independence.

3 "Finding Daily 5 has helped us completely change the environment of our classrooms. Students are able to work independently on reading and writing activities while we work with small groups and individual students. Our focus has shifted from doing a lot of preparation work to keep the other students busy, to spending time with students and gathering pertinent information that will guide our teaching.” (Classroom teacher)

4 What sets Daily 5 apart ? Student driven Fosters engagement Relies on student independence Authentic reading and writing tasks Builds stamina and provides time to read and write daily Differentiates learning Allows for more focussed teaching sessions each day Intentional, explicit teaching Links reading and writing across the literacy block Students understand and monitor their own literacy goals Based on gradual release of responsibility model

5 Foundational principles Trusting students Providing choice Nurturing community Creating a sense of urgency Building stamina Establishing routines Staying out of students’ way

6 Core elements Establish a gathering place Classroom library Good-fit or just right books Individual book boxes Anchor charts Repeated practice Check-in Signals

7 What are the daily 5? Listen to reading Work on words Read to self Work on writing Read to someone

8 Read to self 3 ways to read a book Anchor chart (Y chart) Building reading stamina I PICK “Just adding more time and space for independent reading is not enough. I’m advocating a carefully designed, structured reading program that includes demonstrating, teaching, guiding, monitoring, evaluating, and goal setting along with voluntary reading of books students choose … When an independent reading component is added, test scores go up.” (Regie Routman) “Just adding more time and space for independent reading is not enough. I’m advocating a carefully designed, structured reading program that includes demonstrating, teaching, guiding, monitoring, evaluating, and goal setting along with voluntary reading of books students choose … When an independent reading component is added, test scores go up.” (Regie Routman)

9 Read to someone EEKK Check for understanding I read, you read Coaching or time? Choral read Reading one book Reading different books “Reading with someone helps students read independently, become more self-sufficient, increases reading involvement, attention and collaboration.” The Sisters “Reading with someone helps students read independently, become more self-sufficient, increases reading involvement, attention and collaboration.” The Sisters

10 Listen to reading Listening posts MP3 players Websites Read aloud volunteers “We need a definite purpose, a specific reason for listening. Otherwise we don’t pay attention and don’t really hear or understand.” Robert Montgomery “We need a definite purpose, a specific reason for listening. Otherwise we don’t pay attention and don’t really hear or understand.” Robert Montgomery

11 Work on writing Supports writer’s workshop / independent writing Build writing stamina Student choice Focus lesson “You don’t learn to write by going through a series of preset writing exercises. You learn to write by grappling with a real subject that truly matters to you.” Ralph Fletcher “You don’t learn to write by going through a series of preset writing exercises. You learn to write by grappling with a real subject that truly matters to you.” Ralph Fletcher

12 Work on words Spelling strategies Time to learn words Individual word lists Spelling generalisations Building vocabulary “Creating and maintaining time each day to focus on words is critical to developing readers, writers and communicators.” The Sisters “Creating and maintaining time each day to focus on words is critical to developing readers, writers and communicators.” The Sisters






18 I can read accurately, with expression, and I understand what I read I know, find and can use interesting words I can read the words I can understand what I read ComprehensionFluency Accuracy Expanding Vocabulary


20 Teachers need:  Reading conference records  Instructional and independent levels  Observations of reading behaviours  Running records  Possible strategy groups Students need:  Reader’s notebook  Record of texts read  Individual reading goals Assessment and monitoring The most important thing to remember about assessment is that it should be used to build knowledge about our students, and determine what they can do.

21 What are your questions? The CAFÉ Book by Gail Boushey & Joan Moser The Daily 5 by Gail Boushey & Joan Moser

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