Winter Holidays Around the World

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1 Winter Holidays Around the World
Introduction Process Resources Task Evaluation Conclusion Home Teacher Notes PowerPoint Winter Holidays Around the World Web Quest Presentation

2 Introduction Introduction Process Resources Task Evaluation Conclusion Home Teacher Notes PowerPoint Each year in December, people all over the world celebrate Christmas.  But this is not the only holiday observed at this time.  All over the world other holidays, such as Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, St. Nick’s Day and the Chinese New Year are observed and celebrated.  While some holidays stem from religious origins, others are observed through government declaration as a national holiday.  Whatever the reason, people celebrate these holidays in many different ways. Go ahead and get involved.

3 Process Complete the Planning Sheet
Introduction Process Resources Task Evaluation Conclusion Home Teacher Notes PowerPoint Process Complete the Planning Sheet Read through and answer questions on Web Quest Data Sheet Select an internet site and begin reading about one of the holidays offered Choose the holiday you like best and begin to complete a planning form on it You may write your answers on lined notebook paper and staple it to the planning form Create an informational power point to present your findings

4 Kwanza Hanukkah Chinese New Year Saint Nicholas Day
Task Introduction Process Resources Task Evaluation Conclusion Home Teacher Notes Citations Your job is to visit various websites to find out as much as you can about these other winter holidays.  You will choose the holiday you find most interesting and complete a planning form on it.  You will then use the information you gathered to create a power point to present your findings to the class. Be sure to include (in your presentation) either a craft project or recipe associated with the holiday and the directions for making it.    Kwanza     Hanukkah     Chinese New Year    Saint Nicholas Day

5 Resources You will need the following items to complete this WebQuest:
Introduction Process Resources Task Evaluation Conclusion Home Teacher Notes PowerPoint You will need the following items to complete this WebQuest: Data Sheet Planning Form (See Teacher) Rubric Computers with PowerPoint Listed internet web sites

6 PowerPoint Guide Go to Microsoft Power Point 2010
Introduction Process Resources Task Evaluation Conclusion Home Teacher Notes PowerPoint Go to Microsoft Power Point 2010 Create a new file and save as “Holiday Web Quest Project” Create an informational power point of at least 8 slides: Title – Name of holiday and your name and class Data for question #1 Data for question #2 Data for question #3 Data for question #4 Data for question #5 Data for question #6 Craft or recipe information “Sources” slide that lists web addresses used (copy and paste those used)

Introduction Process Resources Task Evaluation Conclusion Home Teacher Notes PowerPoint

Introduction Process Resources Task Evaluation Conclusion Home Teacher Notes PowerPoint

9 CHINESE NEW YEAR Introduction Process Resources Task Evaluation Conclusion Home Teacher Notes PowerPoint

10 SAINT NICHOLAS DAY Introduction Process Resources Task Evaluation Conclusion Home Teacher Notes PowerPoint

11 Conclusion Introduction Process Resources Task Evaluation Conclusion Home Teacher Notes PowerPoint In conclusion, my hope is that you have learned three things from this project:  information on a winter holiday other than Christmas, how to create a project following the directions of a rubric, how to give a well-versed, informational and practiced power point presentation.

12 Evaluation See attached rubric.
Introduction Process Resources Task Evaluation Conclusion Home Teacher Notes PowerPoint See attached rubric.  Click here to view the Rubric needed to grade the final project

13 Teacher Notes Introduction Process Resources Task Evaluation Conclusion Home Teacher Notes PowerPoint Click here to view the format for the Data Sheet Questions See teacher for Planning Form Click here to view the Rubric needed to grade the final project

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