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World War I Created by Nathan Tichy Mrs. Sandra Koehler Period 3 AP U.S. History.

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Presentation on theme: "World War I Created by Nathan Tichy Mrs. Sandra Koehler Period 3 AP U.S. History."— Presentation transcript:

1 World War I Created by Nathan Tichy Mrs. Sandra Koehler Period 3 AP U.S. History

2 Causes and Effects Assassination of Franz Ferdinand  Power struggle for heir of throne Increase growth  Mobilization of Austria-Hungary Secret military alliances between nations  single- party states and Imperialism growing in size and power

3 America and America’s Involvement Isolationism-American citizens and Government did not want to be involved in Europe’s wars American citizens believed the war would cost too much, since Germany was on a warpath and taking lives unnecessarily.

4 America’s Intervention The consequence of Germany winning the war: loss economic loans the Federal Government sent to European countries Controversial due to America being made up of Eastern and Western Europeans. Germany Ireland Hungarians Greeks

5 Declarations of War-Alliances This created the Triple Entente: France, Russia, British Empire Italy switches to Allies in 1915 after ending alliance with Central Powers United States takes place of Russia after they leave in 1917 Central Powers: Germany, Ottoman Empire, Austria-Hungary

6 Public Opinions United States used propaganda to shift citizen opinions for war Reported German cruelty Articles about Ethnic loyalties were passed out in America War/Liberty Bonds-Investments for War Effort-Spurred people to give money for war Other: Greater spending for military personnel and technologies Industry turns to War-time economy

7 Changes-Boards and Administrations War Industries Board-Kept prices stable for civilians in America Food Administration: Conserved food by rations and farmers were encouraged to produce more food Fuel Administration: Saved fuel that was available to civilians and soldiers Railroad Administration: Coordinated traffic so resources would be processed faster National War Labor Board: Made concessions for workers to ensure strikes would not occur

8 Changes-Acts and Bills Selective Service Act: Drafts Espionage and Sedition Act: To speak against the Federal Government during war is illegal and suspicion of espionage for enemy Sedition Act: Congress can limit speech if clear danger is present

9 League Of Nations Strengths Settled land disputes diplomatically Rehoused WWI refugees, diseases internationally, etc. Weaknesses US did not join Relied on goodwill and persuasion-No real power No permanent army Disarmaments not realistic Structure was a disaster

10 Post-War Ottoman Empire was disbanded after World War I Austrian-Hungary Empire was created Wilson announces his fourteen points World Peace No secret alliances/treaties World safe for democracy Empires no longer exist Colonies no longer exist Free trade  No tariffs Disarmaments

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