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1920’s- CH 31 P1 Objectives –Analyze the rise of Xenophobic feelings in the US and how it was manifested in the rise of the KKK, Anti-Communist sentiment,

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Presentation on theme: "1920’s- CH 31 P1 Objectives –Analyze the rise of Xenophobic feelings in the US and how it was manifested in the rise of the KKK, Anti-Communist sentiment,"— Presentation transcript:

1 1920’s- CH 31 P1 Objectives –Analyze the rise of Xenophobic feelings in the US and how it was manifested in the rise of the KKK, Anti-Communist sentiment, and Anti- Immigrant feelings –Trace the development of a resurgence of Conservative values in the US and how it pushed the US into Prohibition and allowed for the increase of Fundamentalist Christianity Goal Questions 1) Define Communism and explain the positives and negatives of Communism. 2)Define the Red Scare and explain the xenophobic reactions Americans had towards immigrants. 3)Define Prohibition and explain how conservative feelings lead about to the Volstead Act

2 Return to Normalcy- Americans wanted to return to a simply, care free, and safe life (Americans felt disillusioned by WWI and afraid of people who were not “American” 3 Effects of WWI –Isolationism- US wants to stay out of international affairs How might this impact Europe? –Nativism- Americans were against and afraid of immigrants How might this impact immigration and immigrants living in the US? –Political conservatism- Americans want less government (in their lives and business) How will this effect the gains made by Progressivism?

3 Communism- belief that the government should control all aspects of a country and economy (Russia becomes the 1 st Communist country in 1918) Positives (government works to create a society of equals) Free education/college Free medicine Equal wages (no poverty, no unemployment) Cheap/Free rent –Explain how one of these positives is a negative in Communism? –Negatives (government controls everything) No property ownership Limited Freedoms (speech, religion, expression, press/media No Democracy –Explain how these negatives are a positive under Communism?

4 Red Scare- fear of Communism (many Americans believed that immigrants were Communists) America targets immigrants as “Reds” and set limits on immigration for the 1 st time –Why would many Americans be afraid of Communism? Restrictions on Immigration (Xenophobia- fear of imm.) –Why did Americans target immigrants? Emergency Quota Act (1921) set limit of immigrants each yr. to 3& of pop. Living in US in 1918 National Origins Act (US Imm Act)(1924)- reduced the number to 2% in 1890, totally excluded any Jap. imm. Why did the Gov. feel it had to use 1890 to further limit imm.? Who is the government really targeting? Targeting Immigrants (many felt imm. were joining unions to spread Com.) –IWW (Wobblies) only union that welcomed Communism unions want to fix problems between workers and owners, not overthrow owners –Palmer Raids- Attorney General Mitchell Palmer arrests, intimidates, and deports thousand of imm. for being Com. (violation of civil rights) How did Americans react? Is America any different today in how it views immigrants? Explain

5 Return to Conservative Values- the US has radically grown and changed since 1900, many Americans want to go back to simpler lifestyles -What are some problems that modernity brings about? Christian Fundamentalism- belief in word for word interpretation of Bible (believe bible directs how life should be lived) –What is the purpose of government to a fundamentalist? Is that the purpose of government? –What issues are being debated today regarding the role of government and fundamentalists? Prohibition- alcohol made illegal from 1919-1932 (18 th Amendment) What’s the problem with drinking? What’s good about drinking? –Christian Fundamentalists (anti-drinking) drinking a sin, protect people from themselves –Urbanites/Immigrants (pro-drinking) drinking is social, not a sin Why might immigrants be confused with the US creating prohibition?

6 Objective Analyze the rise of Xenophobic feelings in the US and how it was manifested in the rise of the KKK, Anti-Communist sentiment, and Anti- Immigrant feelings Goal Questions 1.Identify Sacco and Vanzetti and analyze why they were targeted. 2.KKK A.Analyze (look into) why the KKK grew in popularity and B.B) evaluate (judge) if those Americans had a good reason to join based on your answer in 2A. 3.Immigration (Define the… A.Emergency Quota Act 1921 B.National Origins Act 1924 a.And identify the group of people Americans were targeting and explain why Americans felt the need to target that group

7 ID- Radicals on the Run Summary 1- Bolsheviks/Leftists/Reds are nicknames for what group of people? –Communists (believe people should overthrow business and Gov.) OI- Seeing Red 1) What was the Red Scare? –Fear of Communism (Americans saw that most radicals were immigrants, all New Immigrants were branded as Communists that want to overthrow the country) 2) How did Attorney General Palmer react to the “Red Scare”? –Palmer Raids- 6K immigrants rounded up (arrested and deported) 3) Who were Nicola Sacco and Bartolemeo Vanzetti? –Italian immigrants arrested and executed for murder Problem- evidence against them was weak and court biased (Americans felt that dark skinned, non-English speaking radicals are guilty of something), created an out cry against US around the world (WHY?)

8 ID- Klanswomen on Parade Summary 2-What happened to the membership of the Klan in the 1920’s? –Became more popular (spread around country outside of South, 5 mil. Strong) Summary 3- What city are these Klanspeople marching in? –Washington DC Summary 4- What do you feel is disturbing about this picture? –Pride- not hiding the fact they are racist –Patriotism- use of flag to represent a hate group –On lookers- people are watching, not demonstrating –Size and Power- thousands are marching and organized (KKK is dedicated to suppressing the rights of people through intimidation and violence)

9 OI- Hooded Hoodlums of the KKK 4) Who did the KKK extend their hate to include? –Anti-foreign, anti-Catholic, anti-Jewish, Anti-Communist (always been anti-black) 5) Why did the KKK gain in popularity so much during the 1920’s –Reaction to increasing diversity, modernity, and urbanization (KKK supports small town, conservative, white values 6) What areas of the US were attracted to the KKK besides the South? –Midwest and “Bible Belt” South (rural areas) 7) What caused the KKK to lose credibility? –KKK engaged in violence against groups they hated –Secret organization in a country that prides openness and democracy –Crime Organization- embezzled/stole money from members to enrich leaders –Prejudice/hate- values that normal Americans are against

10 ID- The Only Way to Handle It Summary 5- What is the picture trying to say about how America is handling immigration from Europe? –US wants to set limits on how many people can immigrate into US OI- Stemming the Foreign Tide 8) Identify how the Emergency Quota Act of 1921 limited immigration? –3% of the people living in the US in 1910 Look at chart on P724 1) Where did the majority of immigrants to US come from b/t 1907-1914? 2) Approximately how much did the Quota Act of 1921 limit that groups population? 9) How did the Immigration Act of 1924 change immigration to the US from Europe? –2% of the pop. of each imm. Group in 1890? 3) Why did the US make another Quota Act in 1924? What was the problem with the Act of 1921? 10) What group was prevented from immigrating to the US? –Japanese Did the US create an effective policy to prevent the overpopulation of immigrants into the US? Explain (Who is being targeted? Who is not being targeted? Use evidence in chart)

11 11) Who had no limitation of immigration? –Mexico and Latin America 12) Why did many Americans want to change the immigration policy of the US in regards to immigration from Europe? –Majority of immigrants coming to the US were New Immigrants (Eastern and Southern European) What is the problem with New Immigrants to xenophobic Americans? 13) How were Randolph Bourne and/or Horace Kallen different from anti- immigrant activists? –Horace Kallen- felt immigrants should protect their identity and allow that identity to harmonize/join the American identity –Randolph Bourne- cross fertilization/ mixing of all immigrant groups into a more international and multicultural nation Do immigrant groups try to retain their identity or join the US today? Explain/Examples

12 ID- No More Moonshine Summary 6- What are the G-Men busting in this picture? –Alcohol OI- The Prohibition Experiment, The Golden Age of Gangsterism 14) Why was Prohibition popular in the South or West? –South-Keep alcohol from blacks, West- Cut down on Vice (drunkenness, prostitution, crime) –Fundamentalism- keep people from sinning 15) Identify one reason Prohibition was difficult to enforce? –Coastline and Borders- 10k miles, Alcohol was legal in Mex., Canda, and Europe –Rum Runners- guys w. fast cars who smuggled alcohol (seen as heroes) –Women- started drinking (Why?) –Distilling- easy to make alcohol –Casual Attitude- drinking seen as a harmless crime by many Does the US have the same attitudes towards illegal drugs today? Explain

13 16) What was the name of illegal saloons that replaced corner saloons? –Speakeasy (need to know secret password to get in) Are there similar illegal activities today? 17) Who was the most famous gangster that provided illegal alcohol? –Al Capone (Scarface) controlled alcohol in Chicago and used violence to enforce his distribution 18) How much money did organized crime involved in illegal alcohol take in 1930? –$12-18 billion (Prohibition gave criminals the money to make their organizations bigger and more deadly) How is this seen in organized crime and illegal drugs today? Give examples Do you feel Prohibition works?

14 ID- The Battle over Evolution Summary 7- What group is selling books in this picture? Anti-Evolutionists (Creationists) Summary 8- What is the conflict that these men are concerned about? –Creationism vs. evolution- belief in the bible’s version of the creation of man and earth, not science and evolution OI- Monkey Business in Tennessee 19) What was John Dewey’s belief in education? –Students learn by doing and education should be a way forward in life

15 20) Who was John Scopes and what did he try to teach? –Science teacher in Tenn. who tried to teach evolution. Fired by district for not teaching creation based on bible Scopes/Monkey Trial- (Clarence Darrow- lawyer for evolution) nationally watched trial about whether evolution or creationism should be taught in school –Decision- creationism won but inconsistencies in Bible were pointed out (evolution taught in school today?) 21) What type of belief in Christianity established itself as a potent force in American spiritual life? –Fundamentalist Christianity (word for word belief in the Bible and that all people should live according to what the Bible says)

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