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Agenda Watch Act 5, scene ii Complete worksheet Core 1 outline discussion Hamlet Playlist Summative Journal Core 1 Peer edit will take place on Tuesday,

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Presentation on theme: "Agenda Watch Act 5, scene ii Complete worksheet Core 1 outline discussion Hamlet Playlist Summative Journal Core 1 Peer edit will take place on Tuesday,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Agenda Watch Act 5, scene ii Complete worksheet Core 1 outline discussion Hamlet Playlist Summative Journal Core 1 Peer edit will take place on Tuesday, Dec. 1 st. Core 1 Final Draft due Thursday. Dec 3 rd. Email me if you would like to go other your draft before school, during Block 1, or in an online session. Homework 11/24/15 Learning Target I can answer specific questions on important events in Hamlet, Act 5, scene ii. Look over your sheet from yesterday. How did each character react to Ophelia’s funeral? Fill out this question if you have not already.

2 Act V, Scene i: Ophelia’s Funeral Find one important line for each character present in this scene.

3 Act V, Scene i: Ophelia’s Funeral Hamlet Laertes Gertrude Claudius “I loved Ophelia. Forty thousand brothers / Could not with all their quantity of love / Make up my sum” “Now pile your dust upon the quick and dead / Till flat a mountain you have made” “I hoped thou shouldst have been my Hamlet’s wife” “We’ll put the matter to the present push”

4 Summative Option: Hamlet Playlist Hamlet Concept Album Start by creating an album title that focuses on one major theme or motif. Write a concept statement (similar to a thesis) that highlights your theme/motif and which characters you will focus on. Create an album cover that creatively represents the content you will cover. You will select seven songs that support your theme or motif and draw strong parallels to seven scenes of your choosing. Write a brief paragraph that provides justification for each song/scene pairing. Include one line from the song, one quote from the text, and one vocabulary word in each description. Close with a tracklist of the songs you analyzed. You may use PowerPoint or word to complete this project.

5 Sample Track Album Title Mad Youth of Denmark Concept Statement The theme of madness looms like a ghost throughout Hamlet, and it is the youngest characters that are most susceptible to its siren call. Hamlet, Laertes, and Ophelia. Track 6: “Ophelia” by The Band In Act V Scene i, Hamlet has returned home a different man than the wild-eyed youth that murdered Polonius without a second thought. His deep reflection on the skull of Yorick, his former jester, suggests that his time away has made him more somber and possibly more sane. However, it only takes a glimpse of his fallen love Ophelia for his frenzy to rise again. His wild indiscretion reveals his newfound reflectiveness has not driven all the madness from his mind. Laertes is already openly expressing his maddening grief within her grave, calling for dirt to be poured upon him “till of this flat a mountain you have made” (Act V, Scene i, line 238). Hamlet’s insanity ups the metaphorical ante further, and he calls for “millions of acres” to top Laertes’ mountain (Act 5, scene i, line 273). These wild proclamations clearly show both men have lost their minds not just due to their love of a girl, but to their inability to cope with a society of shadow politics they could not contend with. The Band’s “Ophelia” can be read as his casual return with “Ophelia, where have you gone?” and eventual despair over her death in “ashes of laughter.” The questioning that goes on in alternating lines reflects Laertes lack of clarity on why Ophelia would do such a thing, wondering “was it something that somebody (Hamlet) said?” The song culminates in ‘waiting for the second coming” of Ophelia, with foreshadows a possible afterlife meeting for both brother and lover. These wild proclamations clearly show both men have lost their minds not just due to their love of a girl, but to their inability to cope with a society of shadow politics they could not contend with.

6 “Ophelia” by The Band

7 Act V, Scene ii: Place your bets Who lives? Who dies? Who will rule Denmark?

8 Act V, Scene ii: Unseen Pirate Adventure Redux What has Hamlet done to Rosencrantz and Guildenstern? What implications does his have for him as a character? Hamlet discovered the sealed letter R + G were carrying called for his beheading in England. Hamlet changed the wording so R+G would be beheaded without question, then resealed it.

9 Act V, Scene ii: A king is born In line 68, Horatio exclaims, "Why, what a king is this!" What change (finally) has taken place in Hamlet? Now he is a man of action “If it be now, ’tis not to come. If it be not to come, it will be now. If it be not now, yet it will come—the readiness is all.” Now he is truly murderous “He killed my king and made a whore of my mother…May I not, with clear conscience, punish him with this arm of mine?”

10 Act V, Scene ii: Endgame What is the outcome of the fight scene at the end? List the fates of each major character and their final thoughts upon exiting.

11 Act V, Scene ii: Fatalities Claudius: Gertrude: Laertes: Hamlet: Horatio: Stabbed, Poisoned, then poisoned again. Status: Dead Drank Poison wine. Status: Dead Stabbed Status: Dead Stabbed, Poisoned, Briefly king of Denmark. Status: Dead Left to tell the tale of how everyone else died. Status: Living

12 All of the Characters who Die areCorrupted ….except one. Ophelia Was Ophelia corrupted? Guildenstern - King’s Pawn Gertrude -Disloyal to her first husband -Disloyal to her son Claudius - Just…everything. Hamlet – Driven mad with vengeance - killed an innocent man Laertes - Also mad with vengeance Polonius - Pompous spy Rosencrantz - King’s Pawn

13 Act V, Scene ii: Surrender of Denmark Important Question: Why is Fortinbras's presence in the play important? Why does Hamlet chose him to rule Denmark? Does this bring the themes/motifs of the play to a satisifying close?

14 Act V, Scene ii: Surrender of Denmark FortinbrasHamlet

15 Motifs infection revenge secrecy madness

16 Hamlet Summative Options Option 1: Traditional Test Option 2: Multimedia Project Longer time investment (due next Friday) Allows for more creativity Short time investment Similar to previous quizzes

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