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Bосьмо́е Mа́рта: Междунаро́дный же́нский день March 8: International Women's Day.

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1 Bосьмо́е Mа́рта: Междунаро́дный же́нский день March 8: International Women's Day

2 История official public holiday political celebration to symbolize the fight of women from all over the world for their rights, full equality with men, democracy and peace. political motives of the holiday moved to the background and March 8th simply became a women's holiday in Russia and other republics of the former USSR. most often celebrated in the family circle with a festive meal and champagne. – Some Russian men like to undertake all household duties on this day— starting with washing dishes and ending with cooking dinner and looking after children, so that women can enjoy a full day of rest. celebrate by visiting friends. – Men and women give flowers, postcards with poetry, chocolate, and other pleasant gifts to their mothers, wives, grandmothers, sisters and daughters.


4 non-working day in Russia – office workers celebrate the day before – In companies and organizations, all women receive flowers and small memorable gifts from their male co-workers and, sometimes, from employers. – During the lunch break, it is common to have a small office party with cake and a glass of champagne. Popular Russian entertainers organize concerts and performances to create the festive mood on March 8th. – The best singers and most talented actors perform on stage with songs and poems about love and beautiful women. – However, very few Russians celebrate the holiday by going to concerts, theaters or movies. The traditional way to celebrate is at home among friends and family. Although March 8th is a big holiday in Russia, some people choose not to celebrate it. – This is especially common for older people who may not like extra hassle and spending money for presents. – 14% of Russians did not celebrate 2010 –record number in the recent years. История



7 March 8th Congratulations and Wishes С восьмы́м ма́рта! Поздравля́ю с восьмы́м ма́рта! C Междунаро́дным же́нским днём!

8 Желаю счастья и любви. Они дороже всех подарков. И пусть все сбудутся мечты В прекрасный день - 8 Марта!

9 Я тебя поздравляю, с праздником светлой Весны! Радости, счастья желаю, сладкие видеть сны! Пусть все невзгоды, ненастья, обходят тебя стороной! Ведь это ж большое счастье, что встретились мы с тобой!

10 Пусть в этот день весенними лучами Вам улыбнутся люди и цветы, И пусть всегда идут по жизни с Вами Любовь, здоровье, счастье и мечты!

11 С душистой веточкой сирени Весна приходит в каждый дом, От всей души Вас поздравляем С Международным Женским днём!

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