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You may, or may not know, that a small group of area preachers and I get together about once a month for breakfast. We’ve (actually Donna and I) even given.

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Presentation on theme: "You may, or may not know, that a small group of area preachers and I get together about once a month for breakfast. We’ve (actually Donna and I) even given."— Presentation transcript:

1 You may, or may not know, that a small group of area preachers and I get together about once a month for breakfast. We’ve (actually Donna and I) even given our group a name- ETABITE, East Texas Association of Breakfast Ingesting Theological Evangelists! Usually, we get together to harass, ridicule, and be mean to each other- all in good fun of course. That’s not altogether true, but we do have a lot of laughs and generally a really good time. But occasionally, a serious question is put forth and each provides an answer from his perspective. Last week, we were asked, “Why do some brethren not enjoy worship?” I felt like Elihu, the youngest of Job’s friends, in that I really wanted to sit back and listen to those older and wiser answer first, cf. Job 32:6-10, but was soon told I wasn’t as young as I portended. So, I gave my answer along with the rest. This lesson isn’t as much about what answers were given by the ETABITE crew, as it is about what further reflection has provided as possible causes, that potential cures can be found.

2 This lesson is prompted by that intriguing question, and by the extreme enjoyment of last week’s gospel meeting. How could a Christian not enjoy one-hundred plus brothers and sisters in Christ whole-heartedly praying together, joyfully and enthusiastically singing praises to our great God, and being so capably educated and edified from God’s Holy Word? So….

3 Why do some Christians not enjoy worship? (in no particular order) Because they haven’t been taught to appreciate it. It is an acquired taste gained by involvement. Those who enjoy classical music have been trained to appreciate its subtleties, complexities, and benefits. Psalm 122:1, David eagerly anticipated worship because he had been participating in it from his youth. If we as parents “teach” our children that worship is to be avoided if possible, endured, or patiently tolerated, by our words (complaining and criticism) and actions (clipping nails, daydreaming, not going, etc.), guess what they learn? But when “teach” them by active “pew” participation, and taking responsibility and leadership roles to improve it, then what do they learn? 1Cor.14:15; Col.3:16; Eph.5:18-21

4 Why do some Christians not enjoy worship? (in no particular order) Because they don’t enjoy being Christians. True worship is a natural expression of a thankful, and therefore joyful, heart. cf. Acts 5:17-18, 33,40-41; 16:23- 25; and Heb.10:32-35. If we aren’t thankful for our salvation in Christ, but instead view Christianity as a painfully necessary list of don’ts, can’ts, and shouldn’ts, we will never truly enjoy worship! Rom.6:17; 2Cor.2:14; > cp. Jas.4:1-10

5 Why do some Christians not enjoy worship? (in no particular order) Because they’ve been baptized, but not converted. Rom.12:1-2, They’ve been baptized because they know it’s the “right thing to do” and “you have to be baptized to go to heaven” but have never really “bought into” living a transformed, dedicated, holy, sacrificial, and renewed life. They long for the “flesh pots” of their bondage to sin just like the emancipated Israelites. Rom.10:9-10, They’ve confessed Jesus as “the Son of God” but not as their “Lord”. There is a difference. One acknowledges the truth of who Jesus was, the other accepts Him for who He is supposed to be to us! Rev.2:10, Those baptized but not converted know we must be faithful until death (keep going to worship till they die). Those converted are willing to joyfully worship unto death (if it kills them)! They’ve counted, and are willing to pay, the cost of true discipleship, Luke 14:25-35.

6 Why do some Christians not enjoy worship? In my opinion, and for whatever that’s worth, because: 1.They haven’t been taught, or learned on their own, to appreciate it. 2.They don’t enjoy being a Christian. 3.They’ve been baptized, but not converted. I’m sure there are other plausible, and perhaps more insightful answers. Do you enjoy worship? If so great! If not, do you know why? What will you do about it?


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