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Our warning sign for when we’re having a hard time embracing our powerlessness.

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4 Our warning sign for when we’re having a hard time embracing our powerlessness

5 Choose all of our actions all of the time Change other people

6 Choose some of our actions some of the time

7 Even with that limited power, we often use that power to hurt people or to compete with them for what is in their power – i.e. we often abuse power In the NT, “The Powers” are those systems of domination and control that abuse people – they are often a mix of spiritual and human evil. And we are often caught up in perpetuating them.

8 We can create a context in which it’s easier for us and other people to choose the right thing And, paradoxically, the best way to create this context is by embracing powerlessness – i.e. refusing the path of domination (our best/loving power is in being powerless)

9 We grant and submit to the appropriate authority of those who have earned it or are in roles that we accept This is lending power not giving it away No one has authority over what we believe or understand as true – how we interpret our experience An “authoritative account” is one that has an appropriate reputation as a sincere and helpful witness to people’s experience

10 Temptations in the wilderness (refusal of inappropriate power) Cross – ultimate symbol of failure and powerlessness Apocalypse as recognition of powerlessness (newness often comes after the death of the old rather than in fixing it – Jesus wasn’t able to “fix” Judaism or Roman Imperialism) (Perhaps we can’t fix Christianity?)

11 Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility regard others as better than yourselves. Let each of you look not to your own interests, but to the interests of others. Let the same mind be in you that was in Christ Jesus, who, though he was in the form of God, did not regard equality with God as something to be exploited, but emptied himself, taking the form of a slave, being born in human likeness. And being found in human form, he humbled himself and became obedient to the point of death— even death on a cross.

12 Accept, with love and forgiveness, the choices that others make (and our own mistakes, failures) Accept the very real cost of what this might mean for us (picking up our cross daily) Choose radical trust (that trusting in God and accepting powerlessness is truly the best way) Make our appropriate choices that affect the context in which we and others make our future choices

13 Hunter-gatherers and permaculture Old and new ways to submit to (nurture) the ecosystem instead of dominating it

14 Average American use of energy

15 Think of our most intense frustrations in recent days What are we feeling powerless to do? What could we choose to accept (and what would it cost us)? Example of a little and a big frustration

16 If you feel like it – share an example of being frustrated lately and what it would cost to let go or accept the powerlessness of the situation What good might come of embracing powerlessness? Consider the examples around the table and think of what the examples have in common What would have to happen for us to be “good at” embracing our powerlessness?

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