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Surface Energy Budget R = - (G + H + L )

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Presentation on theme: "Surface Energy Budget R = - (G + H + L )"— Presentation transcript:

1 Surface Energy Budget R = - (G + H + L )
R = net solar and terrestrial radiation at the earth’s surface (+ into surface) Absorbed solar radiation (incoming – reflected) Incoming longwave radiation emitted by gases and clouds in the atmosphere Outgoing longwave radiation emitted by the earth’s surface G- storage of energy into the deep soil (- into soil) H – heat flux into atmosphere(- into atm) L – Latent heat flux into atmosphere ( - into atm)

2 Heat Storage Hartmann (1994) Specific heat (j/(kg K) Density (kg/m3)
Heat storage per unit volume per K Soil inorganic 733 2600 1.9x106 1921 1300 2.5x106 Water 4182 1000 4.2x106 Air 1004 1.2 1.2x103 Hartmann (1994)

3 Soil Temperature high intensity of solar radiation at high altitudes can result in high surface temperature Austria- 80C humus at 2070 m; air temp at 2 m 30C New Guinea 60C at 3480 m air temp 15C Barry (1992)

4 Net Radiation Whiteman (2000)

5 Surface Energy Budget Whiteman (2000)

6 Surface Energy Budget Whiteman (2000)

7 Solar Radiation m= 1/(sin(q) m = non-dimensional
optical depth at surface m =1, q = 90o m =2, q = 30o m =4, q = 14o When sun at 14o , light travelling through 4 atmospheres q m p/ps = fraction of atmosphere above point = 1

8 Solar Radiation M = m p/ps = non-dimensional optical depth at pressure p At 500 mb (p/ps = .5): for zenith angle = 14o, equivalent to path length at sea level for zenith angle of 30o so, more radiation at higher elevation p/ps = fraction of atmosphere above point M q

9 Solar Radiation- Ideal Atmosphere
Pressure (mb) M=1;zenith angle= 90o M=2; zenith angle= 30o 1000 mb 1233 W/m2 1136 W/m2 500 mb 1288 W/m2 1227 W/m2 Diff = 55 W/m2 91 W/m2

10 Barry (1992) Solar radiation reduced in lower atmosphere by: --absorption of radiation by water vapor -- Mie scattering by aerosols

11 Absorbed Solar Radiation
Absorbed solar radiation depends strongly on albedo: Abs Solar = Solar (1 – a) Snow cover reflects solar radiation and diminishes absorbed solar radiation Annually, snow cover at high elevation later in season than in valleys tends to cause absorbed solar radiation to diminish with elevation Whiteman (2000)

12 Incoming Longwave Radiation
Iijima and Shinoda (2002)

13 Outgoing Infrared Radiation
Stefan-Boltzmann Law: IR = esT4 As elevation increases: temperature decreases, IR radiation decreases Optical thickness of atmosphere decreases (less greenhouse gases, including water vapor), atmospheric transparency to outgoing radiation increases, more IR escapes Emissivity (e) of snow and ice is high Whiteman (2000)

14 Infrared Radiation: December, Austrian Alps
Altitude (m) Bare ground W/m2 Snow cover W/m2 200 289 301 1000 270 287 2000 255 274 3000 240 Barry (1992)

15 Net Radiation Net Radiation = Absorbed solar radiation + downwelling IR – IR Effect of altitude on net radiation is variable and depends most strongly on decrease with height of absorbed solar radiation Barry (1992)

16 Peter Sinks Clements (2000)

17 Radiation Budget on Slope
downwelling IR solar IR Temperature slope Temperature ground

18 Variations in sunrise time
Whiteman (2000)

19 Influence of aspect (orientation)
Barry (1992)

20 Influence of aspect (orientation)
Barry (1992)

21 Influence of slope angle
Barry (1992)

22 Inclination angle, valley orientation, season
South – north West - east Inclination angle, valley orientation, season Whiteman (2000)

23 Microclimates Small topographic irregularities
Differences in slope angle and aspect Types (Turner 1980) Sunny windward slope (high radiation; high wind) Sunny lee slope (high radiation; low wind) Shaded windward Shaded lee

24 Microclimates Barry (1992)

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