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Teaching music as a non specialist. Jackie Schneider June 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "Teaching music as a non specialist. Jackie Schneider June 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 Teaching music as a non specialist. Jackie Schneider June 2011

2 The future of music education

3 Why teach music? It has the power to transform It is a fundamental part of being human It can prime children’s brains for pattern and order It brings new experiences to children and can open up new avenues for them Like language learning – needs to start early!

4 “But I’m not musical!” Are you A poet An historian An athlete Published author Statistician Physicist Mathematician Artist

5 What can I do? Help your children find their voice Help them develop a “thinking” (internal) voice Teach the elements ( DON’T PANIC! This is simpler than you think!)

6 The elements Pulse Rhythm Dynamics Pitch Tempo Timbre

7 In this staff meeting I am going to demonstrate using a simple song Let’s look at : Singing voice Thinking voice Pulse Rhythm

8 Singing voiceThinking voice

9 PulseRhythm

10 Singing Any note is the right note! Start slightly higher than you think (Tip – think of starting note then sing 123 up the scale & then start on 3) Call and response You sing – they listen They sing - you listen Use the singing gesture

11 Thinking voice Need lots of practise Strong internal monologue is associated with high achievers Use thinking voice gesture everytime to signal to children

12 Rhythm Pattern of rests and notes Tap the rhythm on your palm Always use this gesture – will help to distinguish from pulse

13 Pulse Heartbeat of the music Mark it by tapping knees or chest silently Felt, rather than heard

14 Your challenge! Listen to the CD for your key stage Choose one of the songs to teach your class by call & response method Break it into phrases for your class to mark pulse, clap rhythm, sing with “thinking voice” and sing out loud Record and get class to evaluate. When you are happy put on fronter.

15 Sharing learning For my own personal development I am keeping a blog about music teaching in primary schools where I can keep a record of interesting ideas and examples of classwork. You can find it at Mrs Schneider’s Musical day

16 Useful tools Audioboo Sing up TES resources Guardian Musical blob game Sing up

17 Thank you for listening! washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life Red Auerbach

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