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In this film, Diegetics are usually used to signify and emphasise either : The modern setting, as shown after the ball, with the accentuated guns sounds,

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3 In this film, Diegetics are usually used to signify and emphasise either : The modern setting, as shown after the ball, with the accentuated guns sounds, or the accentuated noises of the cars pulling up in the opening scene at the petrol station. The violence of Verona, such as in Mercutio's death scene, when the glass breaking is an incredibly loud sound, or after Mercutio’s speech to Romeo when the fireworks go off and make a loud, gunshot like bang, emphasising how violent the city of Verona beach is.

4 The music in Romeo + Juliet is used to emphasise either the contrast between the houses OR the love and romance of the moment. An example of the first instance is the music from the two families in the first scene at the petrol station, the Montague’s beach music and the Capulet’s Western music. An example of the latter is the music when Romeo and Juliet meet for the first time, and the music becomes slow and romantic.

5 Music changes show the speed at which young love moves, and again emphasises the violence felt throughout Verona. An example of the first is how the music suddenly changes when R+J first meet. An example of the latter is when the music changes from the Montague’s hip hop music with speed and rhythm, to the Capulet’s less energetic Western style music.

6 Silence is used in various part of the film to emphasise drama. An example of this is the ending scene, where for most of the scene, there is no noise. This makes sure you understand that this is the dramatic climax of the film.

7 Dialogue is used to show individual characters’ moods in every scene and for every reason


9 Father Lawrence’s Church and Cell This is the place where romeo and juliet are married. Juliet receives the toxin from father lawrence that will allow her to see romeo at the chapel. The main hall is where juliet lies in her comatose state, and where the final climactic scene occurs and the lovers die.

10 Father Lawrence’s Church and Cell Description The main hall is large, and decorated heavily. This symbolises the domination of christianity in verona beach. When juliet is lying comatose on her “death” bed, the cathedral is lit only by candles and most of it is in darkness, showing the enormity.

11 The Ball at Sycamore Grove There is a very festive atmosphere at the ball; Fireworks outside, etc. Everybody is smiling and dancing happily. This sets a direct contrast to the time when juliet meets romeo. Where there is little movement and sound. This is where we see the real side of paris; He does not truly love her, he is the epitome of false love.

12 Verona Beach Verona beach is a mexican-style beach; Flat sandy and reddish. This is where the one-sided showdown between romeo and tybolt occurs and the following death of mercutio.

13 Verona Beach There is a large collapsing stage on the beach that is being pulled down. This stage is where mercutio dies and makes it very stage-like. This bring you back to the fact that this is derived from a play.


15 Lighting Lighting in the film is used intensively to portray overall mood This overall mood is the mood of the setting not necessarily the moods of individuals such as in the party scene the lighting implies a happy mood but this mood is not reflective of some individuals. Lighting implies a expected mood rather than the true mood of the characters. Also the lighting is incredibly contrasting throught out the play

16 Camera The camera work is very close up intensive through out the entire film

17 Costume Costume is a direct reflection of a persons character unchanged by mood or action It also reflects the characters role in the plays story

18 Speed The speed and pace is a reflection of the moods and feelings of individuals. Camera pace changes when other things may not because they are bound to other aspects that they portray.

19 Colour Like colour is contrasting through out the film


21 Highway/Petrol Station The highway is an important setting, it is the start of the story and the speed could be a symbol of the fast paced life these characters are living. It shows us what types of characters the Montague boys are, this scene shows us a little about each of them. The petrol station is the first place we see a clash between the two families. Before the fight breaks out there is a lot of tension, the petrol station is a good setting for this tension because it causes a lot of expense, being surrounded by explosives gives the scene the feeling of being a ticking time bomb.

22 Capulet Mansion - Party This setting shows us how the Capulets live, that they aren’t just common people, but very rich and important. One of the characters we learn about at the Capulet mansion is Paris, we learn that he is odd, yet gentlemanly, yet very odd. Another is Tybalt, we see here how strong his hate of the Montague's is. This is also where Romeo and Juliet first see each other, and we are shown that they fall in love immediately, this is the them of love at first sight. The Capulet mansion is really important in the film, apart from, showing us the them of love at first sight and Romeo and Juliet meeting, it is where they realize that their families are enemies and they shouldn’t be together.

23 Beach – Mercutio’s death This setting is dark, stormy, and wild, because of the violence and death that is to come. From this scene we learn that Romeo would rather die than fight Juliet's family, a strong expression of his love for her. We also see how devoted Mercutio is to Romeo, as Mercutio steps up to fight for Romeo’s honour. Though Tybalt seems completely merciless and bloodthirsty towards the Montague’s, it is shown that he has some regret for killing Mercutio. This setting helps us to understand the the idea that sometimes doing the right thing will often result in your best friend being stabbed with a jagged piece of glass.

24 Church – Deaths of Romeo and Juliet Religion is a big part of the film, so it’s not surprising that Romeo and Juliet die in a church, this keeps the story’s strong links to religion. I think this ending might show the idea that it often takes a tragedy to change people for the better, the deaths of Romeo and Juliet is a price paid for the end of the war between Capulet and Montague. The fact that Romeo really loves Juliet is reinforced here. The fact that Juliet really loves Romeo is also reinforced here.


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