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Welcome to the 2015 Annual Meeting.  Michael Bufalino ◦ Oregon Department of Transportation ◦ Research Director.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to the 2015 Annual Meeting.  Michael Bufalino ◦ Oregon Department of Transportation ◦ Research Director."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to the 2015 Annual Meeting

2  Michael Bufalino ◦ Oregon Department of Transportation ◦ Research Director

3  Strategic Direction ◦ AASHTO Standing Committee of Research Strategic Direction (SCOR) ◦ State Representatives Advisory Panel (STRAP)  Key Focus Areas ◦ Task Forces  Administration  Coordination and Collaboration  Program Management and Quality  Transportation Knowledge Networks  Value of Research Get to Know RAC

4  Skip Paul ◦ Vice Chair of AASHTO Standing Committee of Research ◦ State Representatives Advisory Panel (STRAP) RAC Leadership

5 RAC Task Forces AdministrationAdministration Transportation Knowledge Networks Value of Research Coordination & Collaboration Program Management & Quality

6 Administration Cynthia Jones Allison Hardt, Stephen Pepin Administration Cynthia Jones Allison Hardt, Stephen Pepin

7  Purpose ◦ Educational: To Support RAC Members ◦ Administrative: To Support RAC Leadership

8  We Support RAC: ◦ In development and periodic review of  administrative, procedural and strategic planning issues  including bylaws, operating procedures and strategic plans ◦ Training, educational and informational needs of RAC  facilitate the exchange of information and experiences among RAC members, especially new RAC members, through the deployment and use of educational and training materials ◦ Managing and updating SCOR/RAC website

9  We support SCOR: ◦ Professional Development Initiatives Support  Ahead of the Curve  FHWA Research 101 ◦ Periodically review SCOR strategic plan ◦ Monthly review of the SCOR/RAC website ◦ Training, educational and informational needs of SCOR ◦ Address other emerging administrative issues on behalf of SCOR

10  We support TRB: ◦ Ahead of the Curve Task Force ◦ Development, review and maintenance of TRB initiatives relevant to the purpose of the Administrative Task Force

11  Activities During the 2015 Summer Conference ◦ Administration TASK FORCE Meeting- July 29 th, 3:15-5pm ◦ Website subcommittee breakfast- July 30, 7- 8:15am ◦ Task Force Business Reports- July 30, 10:15- 11:45am

12 Coordination & Collaboration Sue Sillick Anne Ellis Coordination & Collaboration Sue Sillick Anne Ellis

13  Purpose ◦ Actively support, monitor, and develop methods, practices, and tools that allow for better coordination and collaboration of research efforts to improve information exchange, avoid duplication of efforts, and influence a coordinated national research ◦ Communicate, Coordinate, & Collaborate (CCC) w/  Other Task Forces  AASHTO Committees  TRB Committee Research Coordinator’s (CRC) Council, Technology Transfer Committee Note: CCTF is a collaborative effort between AASHTO RAC (Task Force) and the TRB Conduct of Research (COR) Committee (Subcommittee).

14  Activities of Interest to SCOR, RAC, TRB, etc. ◦ AASHTO Committee Outreach  Survey of Research Activities and Needs (April 2015) – Determine follow-up activities  Research Resources Webinar (May 2015) ◦ RPPM Website - Add Content & Marketing  ◦ Funding Guidebook – Updates & Marketing  – Resources & Databases – Research Funding  ◦ Research Needs Meta Search – Revisit approach 

15  Activities During the 2015 Summer Conference ◦ RPPM  Your Role in RAC: A Foundation for Best Practices  RPPM Treasure Hunt Recognition ◦ CCTF Meeting  Activities Update  Identify New Activities  Change in Leadership

16 Program Management & Quality David Jared Program Management & Quality David Jared

17  Purpose ◦ Promote…  Practices to improve management and quality of transportation research programs and projects  Practices that help identify quality indicators  Use and continued improvement of research management tools

18  Activities of Interest to SCOR, RAC, TRB, etc. ◦ Intellectual Property  Management of IP overview (TRB reps mtg.)  Pending TRB webinar (partner: TRB-CoR Committee) ◦ National Activities  NCHRP SP-05, “Support for AASHTO RAC Task Forces in Response to SCOR Strategic Plan”  Peer Exchange Review/Successes  Staffing levels and skills needed for successful research programs (funding and/or venue)

19  Activities During the 2015 Summer Conference ◦ Scope clarification for active subgroups  Discussion of NCHRP 799 benefits/prospects ◦ Brainstorming new subgroup topics (re: other programmatic elements) ◦ Assignment of each TF member to 1+ subgroups

20 Transportation Knowledge Networks Leni Oman Transportation Knowledge Networks Leni Oman

21  Purpose ◦ The TKN Task Force serves as a forum to develop the concept, understanding, and application of transportation knowledge networks for the transportation sector. ◦ The TKN Task Force advocates and supports the rapid and efficient exchange of information resources through development of strategies and the innovative use of technology.

22 ◦ SCOR  Preparing the transportation community for open data  Research framework for information & knowledge management  Reaching out to other AASHTO committees on data and information practice and networking ◦ RAC  Clarifying networking needs and modernizing methods  Developing guidance and best practices  Initiating and supporting research on data and information science  Several active NCHRP projects ◦ TRB  Collaborate with LIST, Data Section, and KM Task Force on research and Annual meeting program development

23  Activities During the 2015 Summer Conference ◦ TRB: Open Access and Open Data Requirements— Outlook and Implications  Wednesday, July 29 th, 8:00 a.m.–9:45 a.m. ◦ Task Force Meeting, Wednesday 3:15 to 5:00 pm  Research Report Distribution and Technical Guidance  Update on active projects

24 Value of Research Linda Taylor William Stone Value of Research Linda Taylor William Stone

25  Purpose ◦ Actively monitor, support, and encourage methods and practices designed to demonstrate the value of transportation research ◦ Facilitate dissemination and exchange of information and experiences among RAC members ◦ Serve as advocates of methods and practices that identify, market, maximize and convey the values of research to others

26 ◦ RAC  Recognition & Raise Awareness of HVR Projects  Market the Value of Research  Monitor & Share DOTs Best Practices  Develop Resource Materials ◦ AASHTO Annual Meeting  Present High Value Research Awards to CEOs  Presentation on Sweet 16 projects ◦ TRB  Collaborate on “Research Makes a Difference” brochure  TRB Annual Meeting- Sweet 16 Poster Session  Coordinate with TRB Conduct of Research to sponsor a session

27  Activities During the 2015 Summer Conference ◦ High Value Research Awards ◦ Tuesday, July 28 th 2:30-4:30 High Value Research SWEET SIXTEEN presentations


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