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Grant Writing for Middle School Educators Using Computer Technology Bartlett, Mupinga, and Higgins Cynthia L. Lloyd Indiana University of Pennsylvania.

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2 Grant Writing for Middle School Educators Using Computer Technology Bartlett, Mupinga, and Higgins Cynthia L. Lloyd Indiana University of Pennsylvania Spring 2005

3 Overview  The purpose of this article is to inform readers about the grant writing process and how computer technology can be used to enhance the process.  Noteworthy aspects: Shares tips and ideas about the process. Table of Internet sites to assist in the grant writing process. List strategies to enhance effectiveness.

4 The Proposal Development Process  Writing a proposal outline (needs, objectives, and overview).  Finding potential funding sources.  Communicate with potential funding agencies.  Writing and submitting the proposal.

5 The Proposal Outline...  Establish concrete objectives.  Objectives should be realistic and attainable in a specified time frame.  Use the objectives to find potential funding sources.

6 IMPORTANT!!! Keep in mind that nothing will be granted that is not specifically asked for in the proposal.

7 Finding Potential Funding Sources...  Most up-to-date sources and comprehensive listings can be found on the Internet.  Look for sources that are specific to your area.

8 Potential Sources???  Does a match exist between the potential funder’s goals and interests and the needs and objectives in the proposal outline?  Consider: Geographic location of the funders. Potential amount of money to be awarded. Funding interests. Nature of the funding.

9 IMPORTANT!!! A large number of requests are denied because the application falls outside the area of interest or geographic scope.

10 Communicating with Potential Funding Agencies In most cases…  2 to 3 page formal letter of inquiry.  If content not specified… Brief outline of project. Significance of project to the grantor. Highlight expertise of key personnel. State the outcomes. Cost budget.

11 Writing the Proposal  Must have title page, abstract, and table of contents.  Most have: Background/Narrative Objectives (in measurable terms) Significance Methods Evaluation Personnel Equipment Facilities

12 Activity As we go through the next slides on strategies, spot the opportunities for collaboration to enhance the grant writing process. Share your ideas with the class.

13 Strategies  Complete the grant application prior to specified deadlines to allow for adequate review and revision.  Prior to submission, have knowledgeable individuals review the grant proposal.  Avoid the use of jargon, funding agencies will not be impressed by terms they do not understand.

14 Strategies  Be realistic about the expectations and outcomes of the project.  Identify a real need; just don’t ask for money.  Use current research to support the position of the project.  Get the support of school district, personnel, or institution prior to submission of the proposal.

15 Strategies  When reading the RFP, become familiar with the “buzz words” of the grant and incorporate them into the proposal.  Be sure the proposal is thorough and accurate. State anticipated problems and alternative approaches.  To obtain funding, one does not need to reinvent the wheel. Take a look at grant proposals that were funded.

16 Resources Articles:  Bartlet II, J.E, Mupinga, D. M., & Higgins, C. (2001). Grant writing for middle school educators using computer technology. Clearing House, 74 (3),127-130. Retrieved January 14, 2005 from EBSCO Host.  Zambare, A. (2004). The grant writing process. College and Research Library News, 65 (11), 673-676. Website: (Sources for funding)

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