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As-Is To-Be Advisory Committee Refinement CommunicationERPCurrent ProjectsIMO ActivitiesIMO EstablishmentPre-IMO Prep Advisory Committee Activities Funding?

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Presentation on theme: "As-Is To-Be Advisory Committee Refinement CommunicationERPCurrent ProjectsIMO ActivitiesIMO EstablishmentPre-IMO Prep Advisory Committee Activities Funding?"— Presentation transcript:

1 As-Is To-Be Advisory Committee Refinement CommunicationERPCurrent ProjectsIMO ActivitiesIMO EstablishmentPre-IMO Prep Advisory Committee Activities Funding? Regroup no yes

2 ID new chair for Committee by May 1 Advisory Committee Refinement Establish Service level expectations Establish & communicate governance structure for identity management Define process for establishing, prioritizing & staffing projects to implement this roadmap Add Regional Campus Representation Redefine the roles and responsibilities of the PUID Advisory Committee to Identity Advisory Committee Determine how the group with be managed (who leads, who does it report to.

3 Finalize ID card policy and guidelines Finalize SSN Policy Advisory Committee Activities Set policy that there will be one Purdue ID card Mandate use of central facilities (Login, ID Card) Communicate that PUID is “visible” identifier not private Finalize Policies for Identity Management Finalize PUID policy and guidelines

4 Educate Admin on Identity Management Pre-IMO Prep Create IMO initial Budget Present vision of IMO to key stakeholders and secure funding Create funding model for IMO Secure funding for IMO

5 Integrate Business Staff into IMO IMO Establishment Create IMO Design IMO Organization and Staffing needs Clearly define roles and responsibilities within the IMO Find space for IMO Staff IMO Open IMO Name SSN Administrator/Privacy Officer Move the ID card production to IMO (Separate from Boiler Express Service)

6 Determine at what point PUID should be issued to alumni, donors, friends, and other external constituents Assign PUID to external constituents as needed for access to services required Plan SSN remediation Define process for prioritizing SSN remediation project Centralize authority & responsibility to design, implement, and procure identity management & related technologies ID Key stakeholders in all areas across the University that use PUID IMO Activities Establish procedures for resolving conflicts with ID (across the enterprise) Redesign ID assignment business processes Establish a communication strategy and plan (Market!) Integrate suspense processes

7 Establish a process for identifying roles and characteristics Establish roles and characteristics Develop the clearing house structure & the process to collect and maintain it Implement the EUA Implement authoritative identity directory for system- wide use IMO Activities (cont) Replace access card automated feeds with I2A2 feeds Change/Replace other feeds (e.g. library, corec, etc.) used for ID management with I2A2 feeds Move to assigning PUID up front Create real-time identity establishment where possible Convert all campuses to PUID Develop and implement an open and scaleable identity translator Develop and implement an interim identity broker

8 Replace designated fees functionality Generate “999” numbers automatically Select EUA (and more) Current Projects

9 Select ERP ERP Implement ERP Implement Strategic ID broker (ERP) After ERP, review these assumptions and this roadmap

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