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Period 4 Checkout time & Ticking time our city Changzhou.

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2 Period 4 Checkout time & Ticking time

3 our city Changzhou

4 What makes our city messy & dirty? What can we do to keep our city clean? 1.What’s wrong with our city? Our city is very beautiful, but sometimes it is messy and dirty. 2.What makes our city messy and dirty? 3.What can we do to keep our city clean? 4.What should we say to call ( 呼吁 ) again ? Task (任务) Write a proposal ( 倡议书 ) : To keep our city clean Smoke from cars makes the air dirty Black smoke from factories makes the air dirty Rubbish makes the streets messy and dirty Rubbish in the water makes the water dirty and the fish dead We can take the bus to school We can walk to school We can move some factories away from our city We can put rubbish in the bins We can plant more trees

5 The city is our home, beautiful city needs everyone. 城市是我家,美丽靠大家。 Better city, better life. 城市让生活更美好。 Nice city, happy life. 美好的城市,幸福的生活。 … What can we say to call( 呼吁 ) again ?

6 A:What’s wrong with …? B: … A:What makes …messy and dirty? B: … A:What can we do to keep … clean? B: … A:What should we say to call ( 呼吁 ) again? B: … What’s wrong with …? What makes …messy / dirty? What can we do to keep …clean? What should we say to call( 呼吁 ) again? Task2 : Pair work 同桌对话 This proposal ( 倡议书 ) is about: To keep … clean

7 Look at the …. It’s…. … make(s) …messy. … make(s) the …dirty, (too). …make(s)… To keep the … clean, we can…. To keep the…nice, we should…. We… Tips: 尽量讲 具体问题 Task 3 : 选用以下句型, 四人小组谈论, 自定汇报形式

8 The bedroom is. The make the bed messy. The make the floor messy. messy clothes toys Rubbish makes the park and.To keep the park clean, we can in the bin. dirtymessy put the rubbish The classroom is and ________.To keep it clean, we can the floor. We can the desks and chairs. dirty messy sweep clean Smoke makes the air. To keep the air clean, we can __________________________ away from the city. dirty move the/some factories P66 Tips: 先修正答案,后组内朗读 Tips: 先独立答题,后小组讨论 Checkout time : Look and write

9 grey 灰色 Station 司令台 bar 护栏 A: What place is it? B: It’s… A: Is it clean? B: No,… It’s… A: What makes the… dirty/messy? B: … make(s)… dirty/messy. A: Is there…? /Are there any …? B: Yes, it/they make(s) the… … A: What can/ should we do to keep the …clean? B: We can / should… A: That’s a good idea…. Task 4 : 同桌对话, 选谈一个场景 place 地方

10 The city /… is our home, please keep it clean and nice. The room is your palace, you should keep it clean. paper cups bookcases milk boxes clothes case There’s some rubbish… You can see… on /in /near… They make … messy / dirty. To keep…clean, we can /should … Ask and answer Useful words on the ground on the floor in the water under the bed Tips : 自读或 同桌读

11 Young’s proposal To keep the room clean Your bedroom is beautiful. But sometimes your room is messy and dirty. There are many things on the floor. You can see books everywhere. They make the room messy. The pencils on the desk make the desk dirty. To keep the room clean, you should put the rubbish in the bin. You can put the shoes under the bed. You can also put the books and clothes in their cases. Your room is your palace,please keep it clean and nice. What’s wrong? What makes the room messy? What can we do to keep it clean? What should we say to call again?

12 Your proposal Task 5 : Write a proposal 从 P66- 67 或屏幕上 任选一个场景谈论 Tips: 可选择部分事项谈论 可采用不同句式叙述 至少写 8-12 句

13 It has different sentence patterns. Tickting time How is the proposal? (倡议书评价)

14 1.Make your proposal better. ( 完成个人倡议 书并修改 ) 2. Make a poster with your proposal, then show it in the classroom. ( 根据倡议书 制作宣传海报并展示 ) 1.Make your proposal better. ( 完成个人倡议 书并修改 ) 2. Make a poster with your proposal, then show it in the classroom. ( 根据倡议书 制作宣传海报并展示 ) Homework


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