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Electronic Medical Record for Patient John Doe InfoBot: What the user would see.

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Presentation on theme: "Electronic Medical Record for Patient John Doe InfoBot: What the user would see."— Presentation transcript:

1 Electronic Medical Record for Patient John Doe InfoBot: What the user would see

2 InfoBot: System components InfoBot Servlet User interface Data store and process modules View results for patient InfoBot database Input de-identified patient data Check results status for patient RIDeM service SKR UMLS Essie E-utilities PubMed Terms and concepts Definitions MEDLINE abstracts

3 InfoBot: Design and special components for the CC/Nursing evaluation NIH Clinical Center RIDeM service CRIS Database Manual extraction and de-identification of post-hoc data from selected fields for selected patients. Flat file InfoBot Includes special tables and processes to support search for SoPs and Ps Import raw data to a special InfoBot database table. Special InfoBot processes generate input records from the raw data Special user interface displays results and stores evaluations 1 2 4 3 Evaluator 4

4 InfoBot: Design for general use Medical institution Database (EMR) InfoBot RIDeM service 1 2 3 Local modules automatically extract and format selected patient data; transmit to InfoBot Other NLM services PID/APID mapping Clinician 4

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