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The Cold War: The Presidency of John Fitzgerald Kennedy Mr. Bach Hudson High School United States History.

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Presentation on theme: "The Cold War: The Presidency of John Fitzgerald Kennedy Mr. Bach Hudson High School United States History."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Cold War: The Presidency of John Fitzgerald Kennedy Mr. Bach Hudson High School United States History

2 1960 Presidential Election Senator John F. Kennedy (Democrat) Vice President Richard M. Nixon (Republican)

3 Senator John F. Kennedy Came from a wealthy Massachusetts family Roman Catholic (concerned American Protestants) Young and Charismatic (43 years old)

4 Vice President Richard Nixon Came from a modest California family Raised a Quaker Linked to the older Eisenhower administration

5 1960 Presidential Debate Television helped enhance the charismatic qualities of Kennedy versus Nixon

6 1960 Presidential Election Kennedy = 49.7%; Nixon = 49.6%

7 Welcome to Camelot JFK’s presidency represented American hope for the future The President and First Lady had tremendous charisma

8 John Jr. and Caroline

9 The Berlin Crisis Khrushchev wished to test the new president Problem for the Soviets – East Berliners defecting into West Berlin. Soviets positioned troops in East Berlin to demonstrate a potential armed takeover of the city

10 Berlin Wall JFK answers by bringing US troops into West Berlin. Khrushchev orders the construction of a wall separating the two cities.

11 Berlin Wall

12 “The Moon Shot” Kennedy gives NASA and the US a mission with his “moon shot” speech in 1961. Invigorates NASA and stimulates interest in science in the US.

13 Mercury Seven

14 Cuban Revolution Guerrilla Leader Fidel Castro overthrows US- supported Cuban dictator Fulgencio Batista in 1959.

15 Castro Turns to Communism Castro started to seize private businesses (including American owned) on the island. Made overtures to the Soviet Union and made anti-American speeches.

16 Cuban Trade Soviet Union opens up a trade agreement with Cuba. President Eisenhower had cut off all trade with Cuba.

17 Assassination Attempts CIA with Mafia hitmen try to assassinate Castro (including an attempt with an exploding cigar)

18 CIA Training for Invasion Cuban Exiles trained by CIA to invade Cuba and overthrow Castro JFK gives the go-ahead for the invasion

19 Air Strike Problems Old US Bombers piloted by Cuban Exiles used to destroy Cuba’s air force (fails) Exposes US connection to invasion

20 Land Invasion Disaster Bay of Pigs land invasion fails –Castro alerted by air strikes –Cuban Exiles given no air support Are captured and tortured

21 Results Castro strengthens his ties to Khrushchev for protection

22 Kennedy’s Greatest Failure

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