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Information and Communication Technology Integration in New Zealand Ellen Blevins CECS 5800 Summer 2000.

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Presentation on theme: "Information and Communication Technology Integration in New Zealand Ellen Blevins CECS 5800 Summer 2000."— Presentation transcript:

1 Information and Communication Technology Integration in New Zealand Ellen Blevins CECS 5800 Summer 2000

2 Did you know that New Zealand... n Has 3.5 million people n Is the size of Japan n Has annual temperature variations of 20 degrees n Has unemployment of 3-5% n Is an independent democracy and belongs to the British Commonwealth Member n Has two main islands with volcanoes, geysers, glaciers, beaches, rivers, lakes, and mountains












14 The Philosophy

15 Did you know that in school in New Zealand that… n School is year round n Lunches are not prepared n Students begin on their 5 th birthday n Students must wear a summer hat n Students learn to swim in school n Math is the only elementary text n Classes take frequent camp trips n Class ratios are 1-24 to 1-38

16 n Technological Knowledge and Understanding n Technological Capability n Technology and Society The Strands

17 Knowledge and Understanding n The use of and operation of technologies n Technological principles and systems n The nature of technological practice n Strategies for the communication, promotion, and evaluation of technological ideas and outcomes

18 Capability n With reference to identified needs and opportunities n Identifying needs and opportunities Generating, selecting, developing, and adapting appropriate solutions Managing time, human and non-human resources to produce technological outcomes, products, systems,and environments Presenting and promoting ideas, strategies, and outcomes Evaluating designs, strategies, and outcomes

19 Technology and Society Understanding the ways beliefs, values, and ethnics of individuals and groups Promote or constrain technological development and influence attitudes Understanding the impacts of technology on society and the environment In the past,present, and possible future and in local, national, and international settings

20 Essential Learning Areas Skills that Link Technological Skills n Communication n Numeric n Information n Problem solving n Self management n Social n Cooperative n Physical n Work n Study n Academic Skills n Language n Mathematics n Science n Social Studies n The Arts n Health n Physical well-being

21 Form Partnerships n Schools n Businesses n Government









30 The Implementation

31 Did you know that in New Zealand… n Schools self-govern with a Board of Trustees n No money is spent on hardware n schools are still equipped n Majority of technology budget goes to fund professional development n Teacher sabbatical entitlement after 10 years

32 Achievement Objectives n Years 1-3…….four technological areas n Years 4-6…….five technological areas n Years7-8……..six technological areas n Years 9-10……six technological areas

33 Teaching and Learning are most effective n …. when context matches the individual preferred learning styles n … when educators make choices about learning environments, and learning experiences based on strategies drawn from a broad knowledge base

34 Teaching n Enable teachers to become learners as they learn to use and teach technology n Provide a platform for cross-curricular and integrated approaches to learning n Access to up-to-date and appropriate sources n Enable interaction with peers in local, national, and international networks

35 Learning n Provide opportunities for authentic, independent, and collaborative learning n Provide access to a wide range of changing and developing information sources n Enable active participation and the application of knowledge in authentic contexts n Enable learners to focus on inquiry, problem solving, and synthesis and other higher order thinking skills n Provide opportunity to focus on information acquisition skills

36 ICT Education Includes n Understanding n Wider competence range n Wider confidence range n Generalization across contexts n Integration knowledge n Authenticity n Understanding n Reflection

37 Types of Professional Development n Just in case n Just because n Just in time n Top-down n Individual n Group n Whole school n Bottom-up








45 It ain’t what you got that matters, it is what you do with it… Mae West

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