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Developmental Theories How children grow and develop varies, but there are some patterns and sequences which are consistent There have been many people.

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Presentation on theme: "Developmental Theories How children grow and develop varies, but there are some patterns and sequences which are consistent There have been many people."— Presentation transcript:

1 Developmental Theories How children grow and develop varies, but there are some patterns and sequences which are consistent There have been many people who have created developmental theories. We will research the most accepted and prominent theories. Choose a prominent theorist and do research based on the following questions.

2 Developmental Theories Article Your Name:____________________Theorist: ______________________ Write an informational magazine article (biography) covering: What is the name of your theorist? Give important dates in their life. ___/2 Include visuals and picture of the theorist ___/4 What is the theory? Explain in detail what this person’s development theory involves. ___/7 Was this person best known for research about the social, emotional, intellectual, or physical development of children? Explain. ___/4 Do you agree with this theory? Why or why not?___/3 Using children you know or have observed give an example of this theory or how it is applied. ___/3 Attach this Grade Sheet: (2 points)___/30

3 Each Person pick a Theorist Choose from the following: B.F. Skinner (packet) Sigmund Freud (packet & pg 27 in textbook) Abraham Maslow (packet) Lawrence Kohlberg (packet) Erik Erickson (packet & pg 27 in textbook) Dr. Arnold Gesell (packet & pg 27 in textbook)

4 Finish the notes for your theorist (you will turn in with the article) Type up your article with pictures (visuals) in magazine format Magazine article is due tomorrow at beginning of period Magazine JigSaw activity tomorrow

5 Theorist Article Jig Saw Get into your Theorist groups You have 5 minutes at each station to take notes about each theorist – this is part of your review for the test on Test on Thurs.

6 Abraham Maslow His theory states: Describe the needs pyramid and give an example: 1908-1970 Self-actualization - Belonging needs - Esteem needs - Safety needs - Physiological needs -

7 Erik Erikson His theory states: Eight Stages of Development 1. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1902 - 1994

8 Sigmund Freud His theory states: Define the following and give an example of how they work together. Id - Ego - Superego - 1856 - 1939

9 Noam Chomsky His theory states: One example of this is: 1928 -

10 Jean Piaget His theory states: Stages of Development 1. 2. 3. 4. 1896 - 1980

11 B.F. Skinner His theory states: One example of this is: 1904 - 1990

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