Macbeth. Introduction William Shakespeare wrote the play ‘Macbeth’. It is one of his most famous stories and is known all around the world. Macbeth is.

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1 Macbeth

2 Introduction William Shakespeare wrote the play ‘Macbeth’. It is one of his most famous stories and is known all around the world. Macbeth is a story that is based around ambition and power. The play ‘Macbeth’ is so famous that it is actually has it’s own myth. It is seen to be very unlucky to say the word ‘Macbeth’.

3 Characters Macbeth Lady Macbeth – Macbeth’s wife Banquo – Macbeth’s friend Fleance – Banquo’s son King Duncan – the King of Scotland / Macbeth’s cousin Malcolm – King Duncan’s oldest son Donalbain – King Duncan’s youngest son The three witches

4 The Plot (what happens in the story) King Duncan is the King of Scotland. Macbeth and Banquo are two generals in his army. Macbeth is a great solider and had already been rewarded by the king by being given the title of Thane of Glamis. The story starts with Macbeth and Banquo celebrating another successful victory and were on their way home to Inverness after a battle.

5 Suddenly three witches appear. The first greets Macbeth as Thane of Glamis. The second greets Macbeth as Thane of Cawdor. The third greets Macbeth as the King of Scotland. The witches disappear as a messenger arrives with the news that the king has made Macbeth the Thane of Cawdor in honour of his victory. When Macbeth returns home, he tells his wife of these events. The first prophecy has already come true and so Lady Macbeth starts to plot King Duncan’s death. She is very ambitious and wants her husband to be king.

6 Macbeth receives news that King Duncan and his two sons (Malcolm and Donalbain) are on their way to Macbeth’s home. The king wants to thank Macbeth in person for his help in the battle. Lady Macbeth orders her husband to use this time to kill King Duncan. After a feast, Macbeth drugs the king’s guards. However, he starts to have second thoughts about killing his cousin. Lady Macbeth gets angry and goes to kill Duncan while he sleeps but she can’t do it.

7 Lady Macbeth comes back out and tells her husband he has to kill King Duncan now. He does. He also kills the guards and then shouts for help saying that the guards killed King Duncan, he saw them, and then he killed them. King Duncan’s sons are very worried and leave immediately for England. Macbeth is now next in line to the throne and he is made King of Scotland fulfilling the three witches prophecies.

8 Macbeth was worried that Banquo’s family will overthrow him from the throne so he hires men to attack Banquo and Fleance. Banquo is killed but Fleance escapes. Macbeth was holding a feast when Banquo’s ghost appears. Nobody else can see him apart from Macbeth so they all think he is crazy. His wife tells all their guests to leave. Macbeth and his wife have nightmares so Macbeth goes to find the three witches to reassure him that he will stay King of Scotland.

9 The witches told him three pieces of information: 1) Macbeth should beware of Macduff, the Thane of Fife; 2) that no man born of woman could harm him (‘for none of woman born / Shall harm Macbeth’); and 3) Macbeth will never be defeated until Great Birnam Wood comes to Dunsinane Hill (where Macbeth lives). Macbeth was paranoid Macduff had joined forces with Malcolm. He ordered his men to kill Macduff’s wife and children.

10 Lady Macbeth felt so guilty about all the people who had died so she killed herself. Macbeth heard news that Great Birnam Wood was moving. He didn’t believe it but saw that Macduff’s army was moving towards his castle and carrying tree branches to hide behind. This meant that the witches prophecy had come true. Macbeth fought Macduff and still felt invincible. However, Macduff told Macbeth that when he was born, there had been complications which meant he was cut from his mother by Caesarean section rather than being born naturally. Macduff killed Macbeth. King Duncan’s son, Malcolm became King of Scotland.

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