WELCOME TO OUR SCHOOL!. Who is Andrej Radlinský? He was born in Dolný Kubín. He was a priest and a journalist/writer. He wrote books, newspapers, textbooks.

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2 Who is Andrej Radlinský? He was born in Dolný Kubín. He was a priest and a journalist/writer. He wrote books, newspapers, textbooks. He was known for his passion for our He was known for his passion for our country and he wanted to educate country and he wanted to educate this nation. this nation.

3 Everything started in 1992, when our school was opened. Our first director was Mgr. Gustáv Tur č ina. The current director is Mgr. Ľ udovít Ma č or.

4 The biggest plus of our school is, that we can strengthen our faith. Catholic educating is an important part of our school.

5 We also have a Holly Mass every Monday morning. This year a new school chapel has been built. The saint patron is John Paul II.

6 We have gained several sports awards. Our school is full of students, who excel in sport activities. We have got achievements in basketball, football and the biggest pride of our school is biathlon.

7 Kindergarten In 2006 kindergarten became a part of the school.

8 Gymnasium In 2007, catholic gymnasium was established.

9 Last year, the class of 2007-2015 graduated.

10 Extracurricular activities Students like to spend their afternoons at school. They can improve their talents and knowledge in variety of courses. St ud en ts lik e to sp en d th eir af ter no on s at sc ho ol. The y ca n im pr ov e th eir tal en ts an d kn o wl ed ge in va rie ty of co ur ses.

11 Children club It provides opportunity for children to do their homework, to perform arts, to do sports and outdoor education.

12 Traditions We are proud, that we are Slovak. Our school supports students in maintaining old traditions.

13 Ball We have a ball every year. All older students go to a culture centre and they dance for hours! Everybody has a lot of fun and a good time spent with their classmates.

14 Trips Students have a chance to travel to other countries. Every year our school organizes trips, for example to London, Paris, Krakow, Auschwitz,....

15 School garden We also take care of our school surrounding. We have been creating a school garden full of healthy fruits and vegetables. To atract useful insect, our parents helped us to build a Hotel for insect.

16 School year 2015/2016 KINDERGARTEN 4 classes 90 children ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 12 classes 234 pupils GYMNASIUM 7 classes 134 students AFTER-SCHOOL PROGRAM 7 departments 404 pupils

17 TEACHERS Kindergarten 8 teachers Elementary school and gymnasium 29 teachers 1 special pedagogical worker


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