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1/21/11KHS Health1 PERSONAL HEALTH. 1/21/11KHS Health2 BODY & SKIN CARE  KEEP IT CLEAN  Shower Regularly  Wash face every morning (more if skin is.

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Presentation on theme: "1/21/11KHS Health1 PERSONAL HEALTH. 1/21/11KHS Health2 BODY & SKIN CARE  KEEP IT CLEAN  Shower Regularly  Wash face every morning (more if skin is."— Presentation transcript:

1 1/21/11KHS Health1 PERSONAL HEALTH

2 1/21/11KHS Health2 BODY & SKIN CARE  KEEP IT CLEAN  Shower Regularly  Wash face every morning (more if skin is oily)  Eat a balanced diet  Get plenty of rest  Exercise  Use deodorant  Select cosmetics carefully  Keep hands away from face

3 1/21/11KHS Health3 TEENAGE ACNE  Why does it happen? –Enlargement of pores –Oily skin –Multiplication of bacteria  How can I prevent it? –Wash face twice a day –Use medical lotions & creams as needed –DO NOT pick or squeeze  Spreads infection  Causes scars

4 1/21/11KHS Health4 FACTS ABOUT THE SUN  Two types of ultraviolet rays –Shorter Rays  Most intense in the middle of the day  Cause sunburn –Longer Rays  In the morning and the late afternoon  Not as strong  80% of rays penetrate clouds  Can be reflected from sand, water, ground or snow  Sunburn does not appear until two to eight hours AFTER you are out of the sun

5 1/21/11KHS Health5 NEGATIVE EFFECTS OF THE SUN  Ages skin prematurely (hard, leather)  Damages DNA (cause of cancer)  Effect build up over time and are not reversible

6 1/21/11KHS Health6 SUN PROTECTION  Avoid the sun during peak hours (10 AM– 2 PM)  Apply sun block of 30 SPF or greater, year round  Use lip protection  Limit exposure time  Wear a wide brimmed hat  Use an umbrella during peak hours

7 1/21/11KHS Health7 SUN PROTECTION VIDEO CLIP YouTube - Elevated Tanning Bed Risk YouTube - Elevated Tanning Bed Risk

8 1/21/11KHS Health8 EYE CARE  Get annual check-ups at an optometrist  Use corrective wear if prescribed (glasses/contacts)  Take breaks from reading & computer (every 15 minutes)  Use good lighting  Wear sunglasses (with UVA/UVB protection)  Wear protective eyewear (sport & occupational)

9 1/21/11KHS Health9 EAR CARE  Clean them regularly - avoid putting small objects into the ear  Protect from weather - especially cold  Avoid loud noises - under 90 decibels  Wear ear protection - occupational  Have regular hearing test - bi-annually

10 1/21/11KHS Health10 HAIR CARE  Wash your hair regularly  Brush hair daily –Keeps build up of dirt down –Distributes natural oils  Dandruff –Wash often with anti- dandruff shampoo  Prevent Lice –Don’t use other peoples brush, comb, hats or towels

11 1/21/11KHS Health11 NAIL CARE  Keep nails clean and evenly trimmed  Clip hangnails  Cut toenails straight across, just above skin  Don’t cut nails too low because it adds risk for infection and ingrown nails

12 1/21/11KHS Health12 DENTAL CARE  Brush at least twice daily  Floss twice daily  Use Fluoride rinse  Visit dentist at least annually for cleaning  Make good food choices  Avoid smoking


14 1/21/11KHS Health14 DIMENSION EXAMPLES EMOTIONAL- MENTAL Share Feelings Positive Stress Management INTELLECTUAL Go to school Read for information PHYSICAL Play a sport Eat healthy food SOCIAL Make Friends Join Clubs at School SPIRITUAL Establish Values Go for nature walks

15 1/21/11KHS Health15 HEALTHY LIFESTYLE BEHAVIORS  Regular physical activity  Eating well  Managing stress  Avoiding destructive habits  Practicing safe sex  Adopting good safety habits  Learning first aid  Adopting good personal hygiene habits  Seeking and complying with medical advice  Being an informed consumer  Protecting the environment

16 1/21/11KHS Health16 PRIORITY AREAS FOR GOOD HEALTH  Physical activity  Nutrition  Stress Management Exercising regularly Eating properly Managing stress

17 1/21/11KHS Health17 CRITICAL REASONS FOR PRIORITY AREAS  Each area affects the lives of all people  People of any age can make improvements  Even small changes can have a major impact on individual and public health

18 1/21/11KHS Health18 PHYSICAL FITNESS BASIC COMPONENTS  Body Composition  Flexibility (Sit & Reach)  Muscular Strength (Push- ups)  Muscular Endurance (Curl- ups)  Cardio Respiratory Endurance (Mile Run)

19 1/21/11KHS Health19 F.I.T.T.  Frequency –How often to exercise  Intensity –How hard to exercise  Time –How long to exercise  Type –What muscle groups to use

20 1/21/11KHS Health20 WORKOUT COMPONENTS 1.Warm-up 2.Workout 3.Cool-down

21 1/21/11KHS Health21 BENEFITS OF THE WARM-UP  Prepares Cardiovascular System  Prepares Metabolic System  Prepares Musculoskeletal System

22 1/21/11KHS Health22 BENEFITS OF THE COOL-DOWN  Reduces blood pooling in lower extremities  Promotes recovery  Minimizes muscle soreness

23 1/21/11KHS Health23 CONSIDERATIONS WHEN EXERCISING IN THE HEAT  Avoid high heat/humidity  Replace fluids often  Gradual exposure (acclimatization)  Dress properly  Rest frequently  Watch for heat illness signs

24 1/21/11KHS Health24 HEAT ILLNESS VIDEO CLIP YouTube - Heat Means Danger for Athletes YouTube - Heat Means Danger for Athletes

25 1/21/11KHS Health25 HEAT RELATED ILLNESS Heat cramps Heat exhaustion Heat stroke

26 1/21/11KHS Health26 HEAT CRAMPS Symptoms  Excessive sweating  Muscle spasms in arms, legs or abdomen What to do  Stop activity  Sit in a cool place  Drink cool juice/sport drink  If more than an hour, seek medical attention

27 1/21/11KHS Health27 HEAT EXHAUSTION Symptoms  Heavy sweating  Paleness  Muscle cramps  Tiredness  Weakness  Dizziness  Headache  Fainting  Nausea  Vomiting What to do  Drink a cool beverage  Rest  Take a cool shower or bath  Wear lightweight clothes  Get into air conditioning

28 1/21/11KHS Health28 HEAT STROKE Symptoms  High body temperature  No sweat; hot & dry flushed skin  Rapid pulse  Difficulty breathing  Strange behavior  Hallucinations  Confusion  Agitation  Disorientation  Seizure  Coma What to do  Call 911  Remove clothes  Get to a shady area  Apply cool or tepid water to victim  Place ice packs in groin & under armpits

29 1/21/11KHS Health29 EXERCISING IN THE COLD  Consider the wind- chill factor  Replace fluids  Dress in layers  Keep head, hands & feet warm

30 1/21/11KHS Health30 R.I.C.E. R est  Time to let injury heal I ce  Helps to keep swelling down C ompression  Helps to re-circulate blood E levation  Helps to prevent blood pooling

31 1/21/11KHS Health31 GUIDELINES FOR SETTING PHYSICAL FITNESS GOALS  S.M.A.R.T. goals  Be realistic  Focus on exercise  Consider heredity  Consider maintenance  Set lifestyle goals  Put goals in writing

32 1/21/11KHS Health32 SUMMARY TOPICS  Health & Wellness Dimensions  Healthy Lifestyle Behaviors  Hygiene  Physical Fitness

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