Radiation Protection info update C. Adorisio (DGS/RP) 17 th LTEX Meeting 21.03.2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Radiation Protection info update C. Adorisio (DGS/RP) 17 th LTEX Meeting 21.03.2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Radiation Protection info update C. Adorisio (DGS/RP) 17 th LTEX Meeting 21.03.2013

2 Radiological Classification 2LTEX Meeting, March 21st - 2013

3 Radiological Classification 3LTEX Meeting, March 21st - 2013

4 Radiological Classification 4LTEX Meeting, March 21st - 2013

5 Classification: Dose Limit 1 mSv/y6 mSv/y20 mSv/y Residual Dose Rate < 15µSv/h< 50µSv/h< 2mSv/h< 100mSv/h Training RP training « Supervised Zone » (e-learning course) RP Training « Controlled Zone » (class room course) DosimeterPassive Dosimeter (DIS) Firm Passive Dosimeter (contractors) Active Dosimeter (DMC) DIMR DIMR mandatory if: Collective Dose > 500 µSv Individual Dose > 100 µSv DIMR mandatory Restrictions Forbidden access to VCT, CDD and INTERIMAIRES The access in the radiation areas is forbidden to pregnant and breast feeding women and to all persons younger than 18 years old Radiological Classification Passive Dosimeter (DIS) Firm Passive Dosimeter (contractors) Passive Dosimeter (DIS) Firm Passive Dosimeter (contractors) Active Dosimeter (DMC) 5

6 RP Training Courses 6LTEX Meeting, March 21st - 2013

7 Is DIMR needed? 7LTEX Meeting, March 21st - 2013

8 Is DIMR needed? 8LTEX Meeting, March 21st - 2013

9 0 The TREC system is present in each buffer zone: 0 Touch screen and bar-code reader 0 Bar-code stickers 0 TREC training course on SIR: http://sir.cern.ch http://sir.cern.ch TREC (Traceability of Radioactive Equipment at CERN) 9LTEX Meeting, March 21st - 2013

10 0 All the materials, included waste, coming out from the LHC tunnel, have to be registered in TREC and left in the buffer zone to be controlled by RP 0 The equipment too big to be left in the buffer zone they could be temporary left outside the buffer zone (but this has to be previously agreed by RP) 0 All the transports of radioactive material have to be done with the RP authorization (fiche jaune) TREC (Traceability of Radioactive Equipment at CERN) 10LTEX Meeting, March 21st - 2013

11 11 0 All the radioactive material internal transport (intra and intersites): 0 EDH transport request (TNRQ) or 0 material stackage request (STOCK); 0 RP authorization is mandatory (fiche jaune) 0 CERN car is mandatory 0 If the dose rate at contact is higher than 5 µSv/h, the transport has to be done by EN/HE 0 Rules: EDMS 1198577 Radioactive material transport

12 New DMC reading system 0 Automatic reading and logging in a new RP database with new electronic DMC readers (LDM) 0 Link between IMPACT and the Operational Dosimetry system: the IMPACT number will have to be typed on the LDM 0 In addition to be logged in the RP database, the doses will be kept in the IMPACT database 12LTEX Meeting, March 21st - 2013

13 DMC: Pool Mode Assigned dosimeters Pool dosimeters 0 The dosimeter is assigned to a worker, when the dose is read it is automatically logged into the RP database (DB) under his/her name 0 The user only have to type the IMPACT number on the reader. 0 The dosimeter is not assigned to a worker, when he/she access he/she needs to type first his/her CERN ID and then he/she has to type the IMPACT number on the reader. 0 At the reading, the dose is automatically registered under his/her name in the DB Before accessingType the IMPACT number Ready to accessAt exit: after reading Type your CERN ID 13LTEX Meeting, March 21st - 2013

14 DMC: second phase 0 Second step of the project: during LS1, in compliance to the recommendations from the Host States Authorities (ASN/OFSP), the DMC will become mandatory in the Simple Controlled Radiation Areas. Meanwhile: usually no need to borrow a DMC for the work in Simple Controlled Radiation Area or in Supervised Radiation Area (except DIMR II/III) 0 At the beginning, a list of the active IMPACT numbers will be displayed next to each DMC reader and will be kept up to date by RP (weekly). At a later stage we will investigate the possibility to simplify this feature. 14LTEX Meeting, March 21st - 2013

15 In case of problem? 0 Alarm: leave the area immediately and contact the Radiation Protection Service for the concerned area: 0 Meyrin, tel. : +41 22 76 72504 0 Prévessin, SPS & LHC, tel. : +41 22 76 75252 0 Technical problem (battery, DMC HS, LDM HS, etc….), please contact the Operational Dosimetry Service: 0 Tel. : +41 22 76 70538 0 operational.dosimetry@cern.ch operational.dosimetry@cern.ch 15LTEX Meeting, March 21st - 2013

16 Optimization during design Material choice Goal: 0 Minimize doses received by personnel during maintenance and repair 0 Reduce costs for waste disposal  Consider radiological hazards in the choice of construction materials Tool to optimize material choices: ActiWiz (Authors: C.Theis and Helmut Vincke) 0 Computer code based on a risk model using pre-calculated FLUKA results. Considers external exposure and radioactive waste disposal 0 Provides radiological hazard assessment for arbitrary materials within a few seconds 0 Catalogue, produced with ActiWiz, listing pre-processed risk factors for typical accelerator construction materials as well as natural elements 0 Web-based catalogue (ActiWeb) allowing user friendly comparison of pre-processed materials 0 Materials not available in the catalogue can be processed with ActiWiz Web-site: https://actiwiz.web.cern.ch/ 16LTEX Meeting, March 21st - 2013

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