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Communicating for Results Carolyn Meyer.  Envelope Exercise Workshop  Be specific:  One word values  Goals.

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Presentation on theme: "Communicating for Results Carolyn Meyer.  Envelope Exercise Workshop  Be specific:  One word values  Goals."— Presentation transcript:

1 Communicating for Results Carolyn Meyer

2  Envelope Exercise Workshop  Be specific:  One word values  Goals

3  Past experience? Negative/Positive?  Importance: Respect & Satisfaction  Strategy to personal growth: Managing  Stronger partnerships  Improved performance  Continuing dialogue

4  Personal motivators:  What's your message?  Personal growth goals?

5  Identity with technology  Generation of continuous growth  Learning to adapt  Conscious Decision  Separating yourself vs. technology  Health& Lifestyle

6  Sender “Transmitter” & Receiver: Feedback  "Cups" exercise

7  Established by company  Decides the structure of:  Reports  Memos  Conversations

8  The "Grapevine"  Negative Impact --> Atmosphere, Colleagues, Yourself



11  Confusion & misunderstanding  Workshop  Enthusiasm  Fidgeting  Gestures  Fillers  Eye Contact

12  No use of words  Types  Body language  Paralanguage

13  From within  With you Internal External

14  Control & Structure  Direction & restrictions “Downward” vs. “upward”flow


16  Code of Ethics  Negative repercussions  Occurrences  “Mob mentality”  Entitlement  Underestimation of consequence  Avoidance  Honesty  Clarity  Responsibility

17  Recognizing cultural differences  “When in Rome”  Respect, Research, Flexibility  Low Context  Direct verbal communication  High Context  Social context  How you say what you say

18  As an assistant advancement officer, your job is to help your university with fundraising  George Salerno, aged 88 with moderate income and limited saving is determined to endow a large scholarship in memory of classmates who died in World War two.  Will lead him and his wife (73-year old) into financial stress  Respecting his generosity, you repeatedly suggest that a planned tribute gift - arranged in his lifetime but no available to the university until after death  Better option would be giving a lower level, but he wont hear of it  Your chief advancement officer is overjoyed about Salerno's intentions

19  Rate of scholarship went down due to economic downturn and your institution has failed to meet targets for five successive years  Panicked phone call from Mrs. Salerno, that her husband has put their house on sale without her knowledge  He has been behaving oddly and uncharacteristically forgetful.  Never mentioned about the scholarship to his wife  His wife thinks that he may be showing signs of dementia  As a fundraiser, you must abide by an established ethical code, but you also face pressure to meet defined fundraising targets

20  What are your options for acting ethically in this situation?  What communication failures contributed to this situation?

21 Open on: Your Graduation Date 1. Be Engaged & Develop 2. Collaborate with People, Work Efficiently with technology 3. Consider Context 4. Structure Matters, Avoid rumors 5. Be Focused 6. What you don't say is important 7. Know the Difference 8. Follow Flow of Communication 9. Be Ethical 10. Be Aware of Cultures

22 Good luck for Exam Day!


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