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1 Manufacturing Operations Center 16. Demo Data Customization Scripts APAC Training, Feb-Mar, 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Manufacturing Operations Center 16. Demo Data Customization Scripts APAC Training, Feb-Mar, 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Manufacturing Operations Center 16. Demo Data Customization Scripts APAC Training, Feb-Mar, 2010

2 2 2 Overview & Scope 1.Scripts for automating creation/updation of MOC demo data 2.Data is populated in csv templates 3.CSV files with data filled in are staged at some fixed location 4.Automation script will invoke OWB process flows/maps 5.Upon completion the script will indicate the status – success/failure

3 3 3 Pre-requisites 1.CSV Files location should copied to your PC 2.Access to the unix/windows system from where you can invoke the script

4 4 4 Script Details 1.Two scripts are made available 2.Script 1 - createNewDemoData This script will erase the entire demo data and create new demo data in the MOC instance This script should be run if you are creating the demo data for the first time Data should be populated in all the csv files 3.Script 2 - modifyExistingDemoData This script will update the existing demo data Data changes that you want to make should be done in the CSV Files – entity name, description, and other attributes except the keys

5 5 5 Download the Original CSV files 1.Copy the Master set of CSV files to your PC 1.Access Files on Line folder ‘richard.rodgers-Public ’ 2.Copy the contents of ‘Original-do not modify’ to your PC

6 6 6 Modify the CSV demo data 1.Basically only change Names and Descriptions 2.DO NOT CHANGE ‘PK’ Primary Keys 1.See link for detail file information

7 7 7 Modify the CSV demo data 1.Understand and update file Hierarchies. 1.MTH_EQUIP_HRCHY_DEF.csv 2.MTH_ITEM_HIERARCHY.csv

8 8 8 Upload the CSV files 1.Upload the modified CSV files from your PC 1.Access Files on Line folder ‘richard.rodgers-Public ’ 2.Create a new sub-folder for your files 1.E.g. ‘Larry Mobley – modified csv files 3.Copy the modified files to your folder

9 9 9 Login to Linux session servers - http://ebiztta/cgi-bin/secure/ttawlogin.cgi/?action=start&pg=index2.html userid - gtippire passwd - T6laqq3%

10 10 Login to Linux session servers - Select FVWM as a Session Server

11 11 Login to Linux session servers - Right Click on the pallet: Select Shells Select Xterm

12 12 Login to Linux session servers - Common Linux Commands: pwd = Present Work Directory cp = copy from to mkd = make directory cd = current directory ls = list Copy in Windows (Ctrl + C) = simultaneous Left and Right Mouse clicks

13 13 Start OWBII Control Center Service To Start OWBII Control Center Service: Set the working directory: cd /rh2.1AS/nfs/lafrz/owb/owb10204_7252607/owb/bin/unix Enter the command:./ -manual 1 /rh2.1AS/nfs/lafrz/owb/owb10204_7252607 mocowner rws60016rems 1537 az1mu211 Enter the password: ’mocowner’ and press enter key.

14 14 Start a Browser session: Right Click on the pallet:

15 15 Log on to Files On Line

16 16 Upload the CSV files Right Click on the file:

17 17 Upload the CSV files Make sure that you are saving to the csv_staging folder

18 18 Create a second Shell Right Click on the pallet: Select Shells Select Xterm

19 19 Upload the CSV files CSV File location for the scripts is in a home directory: cd /home/yfeng/demo/csv To copy to the uploaded files to the home directory: Set current directory cd /home/yfeng/demo/csv

20 20 Upload the CSV files CSV File location for the scripts is in a home directory: cd /home/yfeng/demo/csv Copy from uploaded directory to the script home directory: cp /home/gtippire/csv_staging/*.csv.

21 21 Run the Script to Modify the demo data Wait for it to finish 5-10 minutes

22 22 Wait for the script to finish

23 23 Start OBIEE

24 24 Verify in the database and OBIEE to make sure that the change is reflected

25 25

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