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Formulation of Strategy for Rabi Pulses Production particularly Chickpea and Lentil during 2013-14 On 19 th Sep., 2013 at 10:30 AM At Committee Room No.142,

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Presentation on theme: "Formulation of Strategy for Rabi Pulses Production particularly Chickpea and Lentil during 2013-14 On 19 th Sep., 2013 at 10:30 AM At Committee Room No.142,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Formulation of Strategy for Rabi Pulses Production particularly Chickpea and Lentil during 2013-14 On 19 th Sep., 2013 at 10:30 AM At Committee Room No.142, Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi Presented by R.R. Singh ADA (Rice) & Mission Director-NFSM Directorate of Agriculture, Uttar Pradesh Krishi Bhawan, Lucknow

2 Status of Productivity of Chickpea and Lentil in India 2011-12 Sl.No.Name of StateProductivity (Qtl./ha.) ChickpeaLentil 1UP9.246.95 2MP10.813.05 3Rajasthan6.9110.00 4Bihar11.348.75 5West Bengal11.168.33 National Average9.125.91

3 Area, Production & Productivity of Chickpea in Uttar Pradesh 2012-13 (T) Sl. No. Name of DivisionArea (ha.) Production (MT) Productivity (Q./ha.) 1Saharanpur353911.07 2Meerut677411.07 3Aligarh77786011.07 4Agra2948531318.02 5Bareily10511611.07 6Moradabad717911.07 7Kanpur476316385213.41 8Allahabad757008778611.60 9Jhansi12087115324212.68 10Chitrakootdham2860942837409.92

4 Sl. No. Name of DivisionArea (ha.) Production (MT) Productivity (Q./ha.) 11Varanasi130991504111.48 12Vindhyachal254482988911.75 13Azamgarh78391301916.61 14Gorakhpur6055779.54 15Basti1226135711.07 16Lucknow97811162811.89 17Faizabad1017882388.09 18Devipatan1540170611.07 Uttar Pradesh60401567655711.20 Area, Production & Productivity of Chickpea in Uttar Pradesh 2012-13 (T)

5 Area, Production & Productivity of Lentil in Uttar Pradesh 2012-13 (T) Sl. No. Name of DivisionArea (ha.) Production (MT) Productivity (Q./ha.) 1Saharanpur191718369.58 2Meerut174915578.90 3Aligarh4743668814.10 4Agra806158619.68 5Bareily409484135710.10 6Moradabad285725779.02 7Kanpur2896353312.20 8Allahabad824668948.36 9Jhansi784758618110.98 10Chitrakootdham113643801647.05

6 Sl. No. Name of DivisionArea (ha.) Production (MT) Productivity (Q./ha.) 11Varanasi20142172018.54 12Vindhyachal14355120338.38 13Azamgarh186432485113.33 14Gorakhpur15347116187.57 15Basti613754628.90 16Lucknow44444367118.26 17Faizabad21123150827.14 18Devipatan98580852418.65 Uttar Pradesh4950514405728.90 Area, Production & Productivity of Lentil in Uttar Pradesh 2012-13 (T)

7 Region wise Productivity Range of Chickpea in UP 2012-13 Above 16 Q/ha. 12-16 Q/ha. 10-12 Q/ha. Below 10 Q/ha. Azamgarh, Agra Kanpur, JhansiSaharanpur, Meerut, Aligarh, Bareily, Moradabad, Allahabad, Varanasi, Vindhyachal, Basti, Lucknow Devipatan Chitrkoot, Gorakhpur, Faizabad

8 Region wise Productivity Range of Lentil in UP 2012-13 Above 14 Q/ha. 10-14 Q/ha. 8-10 Q/ha. Below 8 Q/ha. Aligarh, Agra Bareily, Jhans, Kanpur, Azamgarh Saharanpur, Meerut, Moradabad, Allahabad, Varanasi, Vindhyachal, Gorakhpur, Basti, Lucknow, Devipatan Chitrakootdham, Gorakhpur, Faizabad

9 CropsBase year2011-12ProductionProductivity AreaProductionProductivity2012-132013-142012-132013-14 Chickpea5.815.379.245.826.3111.2012.10 Lentil6.024.816.955.225.668.909.40 Projected Production and productivity for 2013-14

10 Proposed Certified Seed Distribution of Chickpea and Lentil by Govt. Agencies during 2013-14 S.No.AgenciesQuantity (in Qtl.) ChickpeaLentil 1Agriculture222758245 2Cooperative4500500 3UP Agro700250 4State Seed Corporation300500 5KRIBHCO10000 6NSC180007600 7SFCI80001500 8TDC650 9IFFDC175600 10Jute Federation105 Total5502519200 11Private Agencies14772765550 Grant Total20275284750

11 Variety categoryVariety DetailsYear of Notification Total PromotionalShubhra200910 GNG-158120086000 RSG-9022007500 Jaki20078000 JG-6320063000 RSG-94520052500 RAG-9632005200 MaintainedRSG-88820032675 GNG-12922003600 Anubhav20031750 Kranti2001156 Vaibhav RG-92182001170 HC-32000900 Phase OutDCP-92-319982285 Avrodhi19974959 KGD-11681997490 Samrat GNG-4691997490 BG-3911997555 PG-186199724 KWR-10819961555 Vardhan GNG-66319951900 Pusa-36219951335 Pragati K-32561994160 P-372 BG-37219932035 Uday19922192 Pusa-2561985183 PG-11419828 Radhey198289 Variety wise Availability of Chickpea Seed for 2013-14

12 Variety category Variety DetailsYear of Notification Total PromotionalVL-129201017 PL-8 (pant I-063)2010314 PL-6201094 VL-126200735 VL-125200625 Pusa Masur-5 (L-4594)2006210 HUL-572005217 PL-52005100 MaintainedAzad-12004559 IPL-812001105 VL-Masur-10320001020 Phase OutNDL-11997552 DPL-6219974273 DPL-15199570 K-7519865405 Other500 Variety wise Availability of Lentil Seed for 2013-14

13 Schemes Executed for the Enhancement of Productivity of Chickpea & Lentil in UP NFSM  Enhancement of SRR through certified seed distribution  Status of Management of Productivity Chickpea – targeted SRR – 33% Available Seed – 202752 qtl. Seed Requirement a)General Distribution 17600 qtl. b)Demonstration 7760 qtl. Lentil – targeted SRR – 30% Available Seed – 84750 qtl. Seed Requirement a)General Distribution 16800 qtl. b)Demonstration 3600 qtl.  Mechanization 4390 seed drill/Zero Seed Drill/Multicrop Planter, 4000 Rotavator are at hand  Demonstration to promote for IPP 97 of Chickpea and 90 of Lentil Cluster demo of 100 each will be taken up.  Use of soil ameliorants.  Required quantity of gypsum / sulphur and micronutrient has been arranged and order has been placed to supply 25 th Sep. 2013

14 Schemes Executed for the Enhancement of Productivity of Chickpea & Lentil in UP A3PDemonstration of timely sowing, INM & IPM Chickpea - 39000 ha. Seed Requirement 6240 qtl. (20% of total requirement) Lentil – 22000 ha. Seed Requirement 1760qtl. (20% of total requirement) Required quantity is available with department Sufficient quantity of Gypsum / Sulphur / Fertilizer / Bio Fertilizer / Micronuitrient are available and order has been placed by 25 th Sep. 2013

15 Strategy to resilience to moisture stress and pest infestation Looking into the rainfall of the state, sufficient moisture level will be available at the time of sowings. Stress tolerant varieties of Chickpea like Pusa 372, Uday, Pant- G-186, Shubhra are available and will be provided to the farmer as per need. Stress tolerant varieties of Lentil like DPL-62, IPL-81, K-75 are available and will be provided to the farmer on demand.

16 Constraints of Chickpea & Lentil Agronomy in UP  Prone to insects, pests and diseases  Lack of remunerative price  Remunerative Support Price should be provided rather than Minimum Support Price  Lack of awareness of new technology of production, particularly in less productive regions such as Chitrakoot dham, Gorakhpur & Faizabad  Expensive mechanization  Low holdings

17 Expectation from SAU’s & GoI regarding Production of Chickpea & Lentil SAU’s Suitable genotypes of pulses for changed agro-climatic/ weather conditions should be developed Front Line Demonstrations, especially in low productivity areas. Technical support in conduction of cluster demonstrations Low cost technology

18 Expectation from SAU’s & GoI regarding Production of Chickpea & Lentil GoI Timely release of funds under central schemes Subsidy be provided on actual cost of all agricultural implements. Budgetary provision should be made available in the beginning of the financial year. Moible seed processing plants should also be included in the scheme 50% subsidy on the actual cost of implement be allowed. A contral measure for blue bull menace should also be evolved. Production subsidy or bonus on pulses production should also be taken up Insurance cover upto the individual farmer

19 Positioning of other inputs for distribution during 2013-14  Positioning of NPK fertilizers has been ascertained so that it is available to the farmer on demand.  Micronutrients are to be supplied by the Deptt. of Agriculture. Arrangements for the supply have already been placed.  Gypsum is to be supplied by U.P. Agro for which the order has been placed and supplies are being affected.  Rhyzobium and PSB Culture will be made available at the time appropriate time. The supplies are to be made by laboratories.  PP Chemicals have already been arranged as per requirement.

20 Arrangements of Pulses procurement strategy to enable the farmers to sell their produce not below than MSP  At present no such arrangements prevail in the state.  The Govt. of India may also issue suitable instruction in this regard so that the farmers produce is not sold below than MSP.

21 Thanks

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