Type of AidAdvantagesDisadvantages Food aidSupplies food to the hungry Might not reach the people because of war or taken by corrupt government. Short.

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1 Type of AidAdvantagesDisadvantages Food aidSupplies food to the hungry Might not reach the people because of war or taken by corrupt government. Short term solution. EquipmentThey can use the equipment to grow food- solve the problem with famine. Long term solution If the machines break people might not be trained to fix them. Expensive to fix.

2 Type of AidAdvantagesDisadvantages Emergency relief aid Immediate relief Helps the country to recover from a disaster. It might not reach the people Government keep for themselves. Specialist workers and experts Teach people- farmers how to grow crops. Long term solution to the problems Only limited amount of people can go and help.

3 Type of AidAdvantagesDisadvantages Financial aidCould help to pay off debt. Develop the country- build houses, schools etc. Dictators or army keep the money Have to pay back money with interest. Military aidCan help keep the peace. Support good governments. Could be used against the country.

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