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Read aloud  Big Book of Rhymes page 41  “Bumblebees”  What are the rhyming words?  1.  2.  3.  How are these different from the rhyming words in.

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Presentation on theme: "Read aloud  Big Book of Rhymes page 41  “Bumblebees”  What are the rhyming words?  1.  2.  3.  How are these different from the rhyming words in."— Presentation transcript:


2 Read aloud  Big Book of Rhymes page 41  “Bumblebees”  What are the rhyming words?  1.  2.  3.  How are these different from the rhyming words in some other poems?

3 high-frequency words  already  woods  ears  short  lose  clear  draw  shoes

4 Phonograms/Phonics -oo-ool-ue-ew-uit-oup TooToolBlueBlewSuitSoup

5 Echo-Read Sentences: Words with the /ōō/ sound 1. Our school group went to the farm. 2. It was a cool, windy day. 3. We looked at Kendra’s new beehives. 4. Sue wore a mask by the hives. 5. The honey smelled like fruit. 6. Next week, we will go to the zoo.

6 Spelling: What is the same in each word? ueewoouiou

7 Graphic Aids  diagram – facts related to parts of something  maps – where places are found  charts – information that can be compared  time lines – dates and events over time  When I look at a graphic aid, first I figure out what kind of information it gives me. A diagram, for example, can show the parts of something or how something works. The diagram will make it easier for me to understand the information because parts are labeled.

8 Practice using graphic aids  Look at the diagram on pages 270 – 271  Use the lines from the captions to help figure out what each part is used for.  Where is the abdomen?  How many legs does a bee have?  Why does a bee have a stinger?

9 Independent Practice with graphic aids  You will work with your partner and QUIZ each other.  Take turns asking new questions to your partner. If he or she cannot answer the question, give them a clue. When the question is answered, swap turns.  How does the diagram help people better understand bees?

10 Robust Vocabulary thickensplentiful  If frosting thickens, is it easier or harder to spread on cake?  Where are books plentiful in your school?

11 Robust Vocabulary rolediligent  What is the role of a coach of a sports team?  Does a diligent painter stop before the painting is done? Why or why not?

12 Robust Vocabulary crowdsealed  If you had bread crumbs, would ducks crowd you at a pond? Why or why not?  Would you rather get a sealed birthday present or an open one? Why?

13 Robust Vocabulary carefullyattack  Why does a dentist need to work carefully on his or her patients?  What can a mouse do if an owl swoops down to attack it?

14 Robust Vocabulary patterndisappear  Which pattern has circles: polka dots or stripes?  What makes snow disappear – the sun or the moon?

15 Synonyms  Synonyms are words that have the same, or almost the same, meanings.  Use the context and what you already know to figure out if the words are synonyms.  Use a dictionary or thesaurus to check if the words are synonyms or to find a synonym for a word.

16 Synonyms – We’ll do 1-3 together. 4-6 with partners.

17 daily proofreading: the clown juggled three orange Grammar Past-tense verbs

18 Make these verbs past-tense  liked  I liked the chicken fingers I had for dinner last night.  pile  giggle  smile  hope  care

19 Practice: change the verb  Marti _____________ the boat in the water. (place)  Ted ______________ a space for me. (save)  Kim ______________her new kitten. (name)  Ben ______________ the carrots. (slice)


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