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The PLC Continuum and University Partnership: An Important Ongoing Mission Harvey R. Allen, Monmouth University Joseph Saxton, Barnegat High School, University.

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Presentation on theme: "The PLC Continuum and University Partnership: An Important Ongoing Mission Harvey R. Allen, Monmouth University Joseph Saxton, Barnegat High School, University."— Presentation transcript:

1 The PLC Continuum and University Partnership: An Important Ongoing Mission Harvey R. Allen, Monmouth University Joseph Saxton, Barnegat High School, University of Phoenix


3  Enhance Instruction  Engage Students  Extend Learning

4  Year 1 – From Chaos to a Clear Focus January 2010-June 2010 Collect Baseline data Develop a Mission Statement Create a Professional Development Team

5  Stephen Covey  Private Victory Comes Before Public Victory  Re-Design: Essentially in House.  Where to Begin?



8  Discipline Data  4018 referrals  183 total suspensions  Anecdotal conversations  Negative conversations leading to misperceptions  High School Quality Survey  Block Survey

9  Professional Development Team  Process Utilized  Shared Leadership  University Support

10  Mobilize teachers  Set goals and Implement plan based on gathered data  Delayed Openings/ Faculty Meetings  Training Focus

11  Develop a Clear Mission Statement that commits all stakeholders to instructional goals, priorities, assessment measures, and accountability  Process = Mission + Belief Statements + Culture Shift  Clear Focus

12  Barnegat High School, in partnership with our community, will provide a safe, innovative, and nurturing school environment where students are valued and treated with dignity and respect as the staff prepares and engages them in meaningful, differentiated learning experiences that will promote social responsibility and cultivate future academic and workforce success.

13  Banner in Foyer of High School  Posted in Every Classroom  On every e-mail/document  Focusing Agent

14  To refocus our use of time so students are deeply engaged with learning and to provide staff with training to use time differently by incorporating multiple instructional strategies into the class.

15  Teachers mobilized into true PLCs  Delayed Openings  Block schedule fully in place  Engagement Strategies  Differentiated Instruction

16  To create an orderly and business – like learning environment where the school climate is not oppressive and conducive to teaching and learning.

17  Teachers handling classroom discipline  Class Management better  Reduction in overall discipline  All Day Detention  Reinforce basic procedures and protocols  Create School-wide Discipline Handbook  First Day Workshops – First Day of School, Establishing Routines & Procedures, Developing Classroom Rules

18  Develop a culture that promotes the positive where all staff believe that students can achieve mastery of subject area content, self, and school behavioral norms

19  Establish a teacher recognition program  New Student Orientation Program  New Teacher Orientation Program  Student Recognition Manual  Identify and Re-Orient Toxic Subculture  State of the Bengals Address

20  Implement a public relations program that will connect the school to vital stakeholders and highlight the achievement and accomplishments of staff and student

21  Monmouth University – vital relationship – guidance and support  Public Relations Plan  HS website re- tooling  Parent Portal  Teacher websites  Announcements  Parent Advisory Committee  Effective Communication Loop

22  Year 2 – Form PLCs to address “Best Practices” Form PLCs to address “Best Practices” Use Monmouth University as a Resource Examine the data

23  Professional Development Team-PLCs  Planning for the Block  Engagement Strategies  Classroom Management  Time Management  Brain Based Learning  Dealing with Difficult Students  Differentiated Instructional Strategies

24 Description2009- 2010 2010-2011 Insubordination 219100 Class Lateness 7632 Leaving School w/o Permission 2819 Disruptive/ Inappropriate Behavior Altercations 248 23 104 7


26  PLCs  Characteristics of Effective Teaching and What it Looks Like in the Classroom  Common Language  Creating Plans Focused on Learning with the End in Mind  Examine the data

27  A culture now exists where all staff believe that students can achieve.  A positive learning environment exists that is conducive to teaching and learning.  Students are now consistently engaged in meaningful learning.  Teachers are focused more on student learning than on teaching.  Community support is growing

28  Assist in the development and implementation,  Provide feedback regarding the strategies being taught to teachers by professional development trainers. Support, encourage and affirm.  Disseminate research and best practices that help enhance student achievement.  Train the Professional Development Team in Understanding by Design.  Train HS staff to use assessments that focus on assessing student learning

29  Provides great advice in our brainstorming sessions and gives direction as to current trends/best practices in education.  Focused our professional development, aware of trends and best practices in education  Provided valuable feedback and guidance from a knowledgeable and impartial source.

30  Excellent vehicle of higher learning and continued growth for us and our students.  Provided support and direction which has helped us to feel more confident in and out of the classroom.  Guided the direction of the school as we move from teaching to learning  Presented material related to teaching and learning in an effective and simple way.

31  School Spirit highest in school history  School and staff moving in same direction – real learning community  Different feel in the building, lower stress for students, fewer incidents,  Bengal Pride  Inside New Jersey - #1, #2



34  Respect and Trust

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