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CyberPatriot Workshop New Coach Training. Intros - name, school, job title + why interested in CP. Also, any other contests? CyberPatriot Overview - who,

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Presentation on theme: "CyberPatriot Workshop New Coach Training. Intros - name, school, job title + why interested in CP. Also, any other contests? CyberPatriot Overview - who,"— Presentation transcript:

1 CyberPatriot Workshop New Coach Training

2 Intros - name, school, job title + why interested in CP. Also, any other contests? CyberPatriot Overview - who, what, where, when and why Equipment and Virtual Images CyberSec 101 - tips for scoring points Exhibition Round with online scorebot - aka “Play to Win” - prizes for 1 st, 2 nd & 3 rd ! AGENDA M. Galante 2

3 CyberPatriot Overview What is it? CyberPatriot was born in 2009 as a response to the Comprehensive National Cybersecurity Initiative which has twelve recommendations for securing America’s digital infrastructure. Comprehensive National Cybersecurity Initiative Number 8 = Expand Cyber Education “CyberPatriot is the premier national high school cyber defense competition created to inspire high school students toward careers in cybersecurity or other science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) disciplines critical to our nation’s future.” 3 M. Galante

4 CyberPatriot Overview What is it? IMPORTANT  it is a cyber defense competition Students learn to “harden” a computer system This means closing down vulnerabilities so that the system is secure against malware or hacker attacks. The news is full of data breaches - Target (40M CC #s) Community Health Systems (4.5M patient records) - and DOS attacks against US banks. CyberPatriot teams train to stop these breaches / attacks 4 M. Galante

5 CyberPatriot Overview Where is it? All activities for CyberPatriot are held in your school’s facilities - or alternate site approved by your school. Classroom Media Center Gymnasium Parent’s office conference room Local library activity space The key to the space is access to Internet and electricity (and permission to have food!) 5 M. Galante

6 CyberPatriot Overview Who is it? Team = 2 to 6 students who are enrolled in your school - max 5 play during a round Coach = adult staff member approved by school - primary responsibility is coordination and safety of students as to training times, space, etc. - may coach up to 5 teams (max total of 30 students) Team Assistant/ Mentor = person with technical knowledge, may be staff or parent or outside volunteer 6 M. Galante

7 CyberPatriot Overview STOP - let’s talk about money Cost = $195 per high school team $155 reduced rate for registration before 7/1 IF you are an ROTC team the fee is covered already IF you have an all-girl team = no fee Can submit exemption request for Title I school You get a lot for your money! Access to MSDNAA for software downloads SWAG! Official bag, T-shirt, coin and competitor’s pin Possible free trip to Nationals in Baltimore, Md 7 M. Galante

8 CyberPatriot Overview When is it? Practices = scheduled by coach just the same as school sponsored activities Competition Events = 3-4 per year (details next slide ) - 6 hour window to complete the round - must be consecutive hours - once you start, must finish - scoring open from Friday to Sunday * National Finals - 4 days held at Gaylord Hotel in Wash DC. ALL EXPENSES paid trip including transport & meals for 6 team members, 1 coach, 1 assistant/mentor. 8 M. Galante

9 EVERY TEAM participates in Round 1 and Round 2 Combined scores determine tier - Platinum, Gold or Silver EVERY TEAM gets at least 3 chances to compete Oct 24-26 Nov 14-16 Dec 5-7 Jan 16-18 Mar 11-15 M. Galante

10 Why participate in CyberPatriot? #1 Careers - an opportunity for students to get foot in the door to pursue rewarding careers with huge hiring potential in next decade. #2 STEM - CyberPatriot has proven to expand student interest in STEM curriculum, especially computer science #3 College - great for the resume especially when applying to technology focused colleges. Also, scholarship and internship opportunities given to CP team members. #4 Your School gets a chance to shine - cybersecurity is a hot topic for the media AND a chance for state and national trophies and recognition. 10 M. Galante

11 HOW? Here is a short list of tasks to get you to Round 1. 1.Register as a coach 2.Recruit students 3.Confirm space with Internet / electric / food allowed 4.Confirm equipment and software 5.Use CP resources and mentor (optional) to train team 6.Use Practice Round to solidify knowledge 7.Learn - Compete - Win! M. Galante

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