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Number Sense Test Review Part II 5 th Grade Mrs. Kelly.

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1 Number Sense Test Review Part II 5 th Grade Mrs. Kelly

2 Rename the number in four ways. (+), (-), (·), and (÷) 4,800,000

3 Answer 4,000,000 + 800,000 5,000,000 – 200,000 2,400,000 · 2 9,600,000 ÷ 2

4 Write the following in expanded notation. 630,590,107

5 Answer (6·100,000,000) + (3·10,000,000) + (5·100,000) + (9·10,000) +(1·100) + (7·1)

6 Write the number in exponential notation. 350,379,056,090

7 Answer 350,379,056,090 = (3·10 11 ) + (5·10 10 ) + (3·10 8 ) + (7·10 7 ) + (9·10 6 ) + (5·10 4 ) + (6·10 3 ) + (9·10 1 )

8 Write the number in short word form. 75,089,134,709

9 Answer 75,089,134,709 = 75 billion 89 million 134 thousand 709

10 Write the words that these mathematical terms represent. > = <

11 Answers > greater than = equal to < less than

12 Compare using >,, <, or =. 809,125 _____ 809,521 6,495,378 _____ 6,945,378 -63 _____ -36 -52 _____ 64 0 _____ -17

13 Answers 809,125 < 809,521 6,495,378 < 6,945,378 -63 < -36 -52 < 64 0 > -17

14 List these numbers in order from LEAST to GREATEST. 36 -43 0 -74 54 -26

15 Answer -74, -43, -26, 0, 36, 54

16 Round each number to the place value indicated. Round 7,563,984,591 to the nearest ten thousand. Round $7,926.96 to the nearest hundred dollars. Round 42,599,759,744 to the nearest hundred billion.

17 Answer Round 7,563,984,591 to the nearest ten thousand. 7,563,980,000 Round $7,926.96 to the nearest hundred dollars. $7,900.00 Round 42,599,759,744 to the nearest hundred billion. 0

18 Write the six largest numbers using the following digits. 7 9 4 8 6 5

19 Answers 987,654 987,645 987,564 987,546 987,465 987,456

20 Write the six smallest numbers using the following digits. 3 1 4 8 5 9

21 Answers 134,589 134,598 134,859 134,895 134,958 134,985

22 Label the number line. -24

23 Answer -26 -25-24 -23 -22

24 List three uses of integers. 1.) 2.) 3.)

25 Answers Money (profit/loss) Temperature (up/down) Number Line (positive/negative) Geographical (above/below) Sports – golf (above/below par) and football (gain/loss) Time (count up/down) Banking (deposit/withdraw) Stock Market (up/down)

26 List three Real World Applications for each. ThousandsBillions1.2.3. Millions 1. 2. 3.

27 Answers Thousands Distance across the U.S. Price of a car Distance from the earth to the moon Millions Annual income of Tiger Woods Population of N.J. Population of the U.S. Billions Population of China Population of World Stars in the Milky Way

28 Solve each word problem. If you open the book and the pages are facing you, what are the two pages if the sum is 175? If the sum of three consecutive odd numbers is 105, what are the three numbers?

29 Answers If you open the book and the pages are facing you, what are the two pages is the sum is 175? 87 and 88 If the sum of three consecutive odd numbers is 105, what are the three numbers? 33, 35, 37

30 Congratulations! Great job! You have just completed your two day math review for the Number Sense Test. Make sure to bring home your math binder to study definitions and practice problems.

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