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A FEW REVIEW EXERCISES Semantic Features. 1. Do the exercises found at: 1. NLP_mean1.html

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1 A FEW REVIEW EXERCISES Semantic Features

2 1. Do the exercises found at: 1. NLP_mean1.html NLP_mean1.html 2. Give two different feature analyses for each of the following. a) bank b) Response


4 Relations amongst Words (Semantic & Derivational) What type of semantic Relation?  Synonym or parasynonyms  Antonyms  Gradable or  Ungradable  Converse  Reversives  Polysemy  Homonym :  Homonyms  Homophone  Homographs What type of word formation process?  Derivation  Compounding  Conversion  Clipping  Blends  Backformation  Onomatopoeia  Eponyms  Acronyms  Inflection  Hypernym  Hyponym  Cohyponym  Meronym  Holonym What type of ambiguity?  Lexical ambiguity  Syntactic ambiguity  Class ambiguity  Script ambiguity

5 Determine the Relation amongst Some of these Words




9 Semantics Relations Among Words  Synonym or parasynonyms  Antonyms  Gradable or Ungradable  Converse  Reversives  Polysemy  Homonym :  Homonyms  Homophone  Homographs

10 Semantics Relations Among Words  Synonym or parasynonyms  Antonyms  Gradable or Ungradable  Converse  Reversives  Polysemy  Homonym :  Homonyms  Homophone  Homographs

11 Semantics Relations Among Words  Synonym or parasynonyms  Antonyms  Gradable or Ungradable  Converse  Reversives  Polysemy  Homonym :  Homonyms  Homophone  Homographs

12 Semantics Relations Among Words  Synonym or parasynonyms  Antonyms  Gradable or Ungradable  Converse  Reversives  Polysemy  Homonym :  Homonyms  Homophone  Homographs

13 Semantics Relations Among Words  Synonym or parasynonyms  Antonyms  Gradable or Ungradable  Converse  Reversives  Polysemy  Homonym :  Homonyms  Homophone  Homographs

14 Semantics Relations Among Words  Synonym or parasynonyms  Antonyms  Gradable or Ungradable  Converse  Reversives  Polysemy  Homonym :  Homonyms  Homophone  Homographs

15 Semantics Relations Among Words  Synonym or parasynonyms  Antonyms  Gradable or Ungradable  Converse  Reversives  Polysemy  Homonym :  Homonyms  Homophone  Homographs

16 Semantics Relations Among Words  Synonym or parasynonyms  Antonyms  Gradable or Ungradable  Converse  Reversives  Polysemy  Homonym :  Homonyms  Homophone  Homographs

17 Semantics Relations Among Words  Synonym or parasynonyms  Antonyms  Gradable or Ungradable  Converse  Reversives  Polysemy  Homonym :  Homonyms  Homophone  Homographs


19 Relations amongst Words (Semantic & Derivational) Which definitions are:  figurative? Which definitions are derived by:  Metonymy  Analogy 1. the external upper covering of a house or other building. 2. a frame for supporting this: an open- timbered roof. 3. the highest part or summit: The Himalayas are the roof of the world. 4. something that in form or position resembles the roof of a house, as the top of a car, the upper part of the mouth, etc. 5. a house. 6. Mining. the rock immediately above a horizontal mineral deposit.

20 Relations amongst Words (Semantic & Derivational) Which definitions are:  figurative? Which definitions are derived by:  Metonymy  Analogy 1.Anatomy, Zoology. a. the opening through which an animal or human takes in food. 2. the masticating and tasting apparatus. 3. a person or animal dependent on someone for sustenance: another mouth to feed. 4. the oral opening or cavity considered as the source of vocal utterance. 5. utterance or expression: to give mouth to one's thoughts. 6. talk, esp. loud, empty, or boastful talk: That man is all mouth. 7. disrespectful talk or language; back talk; impudence. 8. a grimace made with the lips.

21 Relations amongst Words (Semantic & Derivational) Which definitions are:  figurative? Which definitions are derived by:  Metonymy  Analogy 1. the hindmost part of an animal, esp. that forming a distinct, flexible appendage to the trunk. 2. something resembling or suggesting this in shape or position: the tail of a kite. 3. Astronomy. the luminous stream extending from the head of a comet. 4. the reverse of a coin ( opposed to head).head

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