GCSE RE: Christian Ethics Tuesday 18 th November 11.30am.

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Presentation on theme: "GCSE RE: Christian Ethics Tuesday 18 th November 11.30am."— Presentation transcript:

1 GCSE RE: Christian Ethics Tuesday 18 th November 11.30am

2 What will the paper look like? You will receive two booklets. Booklet A contains section A questions with space for you to write your answer on Booklet B contains section B questions For section B you must write your answers in the space at the back of booklet A

3 Section A This will be a series of questions about topics from the Christian ethics paper You must answer ALL of the questions in section A E.g. The Right To Life, Global Concerns

4 Section B In section B there are two parts; you select one part (EITHER B5 OR B6) and answer all of the questions to this part in the booklet provided.

5 So what do you know???? Turn to your overview sheet of the Christian Ethics paper Using highlighters code the areas that you feel confident in and the areas that you feel weaker in The weaker areas are the ones you need to focus on!

6 THE KEY TO SUCCESS P = Point (make a simple point) E = Example (back your point up with either a quote, key word, person or moral reasoning) E= Explain (explain what your example means in relation to the question) L= Link (make clear links back to the question itself) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1_78Ck10tSE

7 Which bible quote are these images depicting?

8 As



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14 Types of questions During the exam you will be asked a mixture of 2,3,4 and 6 AO1 mark questions In an AO1 question you need to PEEL!!!! Each PEEL is roughly worth 2 marks

15 For example…….. What is meant by discrimination (2) Explain why Christians think that adultery is wrong (3) Explain why Christians believe that forgiveness is important (6)

16 Types of Questions You will also be asked 6 mark AO2 questions. These are the questions that have a statement and the question ‘do you agree?’ You must give both sides, reach a conclusion and PEEL!!!

17 For example…….. “Women are not equal to men in Christianity” Do You Agree (6) “Euthanasia should never be acceptable” Do You Agree (6)

18 Key Quotes: Christian Ethics A challenge for you: Can you link these quotes to at least three of the six units that we have studied? Link them specifically to areas we study, two have been done for you as examples Love your neighbour as you love yourself (Agape) Your body is the temple of God It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to go to heaven. Man was made in the image of God Till and keep the land Christ is all, Christ is in all Racism- we should love and help everyone no matter there race or colour or religion because we are all neighbours. This is shown in the Parable of the Good Samaritan Sex- Catholics believe you shouldn’t have sex with lots of people because you are disrespecting the creation of God Thou shall not kill

19 PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY “Christians should never use any drugs” What do you think? Explain your opinion (3 marks)

20 CONFLICT Explain why many Christians feel that nuclear warfare is wrong (3 marks)

21 THE RIGHT TO LIFE “Human Life should never be taken” Do You Agree? Give reasons for your answer showing that you have thought about more than one point of view. Refer to Christian arguments in your answer. (6 marks)

22 SOCIAL RESONSIBILITY “Christians should never discriminate” Do You Agree? Give reasons for your answer showing that you have thought about more than one point of view. Refer to Christian arguments in your answer. (6 marks)

23 GLOBAL CONCERNS Explain Christian beliefs and teachings about the environment (6 marks)

24 MEDICAL TECHNOLOGY Explain why many Christians do not agree with reproductive cloning (4 marks)

25 Final Tips Attempt EVERY question PEEL – use key words, quotes and religious ideas as your examples Always state WHO you are talking about e.g. Catholics agree because…… Read the questions carefully and make links back to them TIMING!

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