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WIEGAND TECHNOLOGY Christmas is almost here ! Oupps! Sorry…Wrong topic… Christmas is almost here ! Oupps! Sorry…Wrong topic…

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2 WIEGAND TECHNOLOGY Christmas is almost here ! Oupps! Sorry…Wrong topic… Christmas is almost here ! Oupps! Sorry…Wrong topic…

3 Who Is John R. Wiegand ?

4 In 1965, after becoming an electronics technician, he began his pursuit of magnetic research that led to his terrific discovery : the Wiegand Wire 7 years later, on June 25th, 1974, his bistable ferromagnetic wire was patented Before he had an oscilloscope to see pulses, it was his perfect pitch that enabled him to listen through a loudspeaker to the magnetic pulses produced by his wire. He always referred to each wire as ‘SHE’ and said that the wires sung to him Wiegand did the inventing and Velinsky, the promoting and selling Wiegand later met Milton Velinsky and together they formed Wiegand Electronics to develop product applications for the Wiegand Effect


6 Let’s Get Technical : What is Wiegand Technology ?  The Wiegand Interface uses 3 wires, one of which is a common ground and two of which are data transmission wires usually called DATA0 and DATA1, alternately label D0 and D1 or Data Low and Data High  When no data are being sent, both D0 and D1 are pulling up to the High voltage level – usually +5 VDC  When a 0 is sent, the D0 wire is pulled to a low voltage, while the D1 wire stays at a voltage  When a 1 is sent, the D1 wire is pulled to a low voltage while D0 stays at a high voltage  The high signaling level of VDC is used to accommodate long cable runs from card readers to the associated access control panel, typically located in a secure closet. Most card reader manufacturers publish a maximum cable run of 500 feet. An advantage of the Wieland signaling format is that it allows very long cable runs, far longer than other interface standards of its day allowed. For longer distances, Wiegand repeaters are also available

7 The Wiegand Effect, a phenomenon discovered in the ‘70’s is the unusually useful behavior of magnetic fields in specially designed wire that outputs voltage. It was used in early access cards Wiegand is the trade name for a technology used in card readers and sensors, particularly for Access Control applications Wiegand devices were originally developed by HID Corporation Wiegand Effect occurs over a wide range of temperatures. Therefore, access control devices using this technology can function in hostile environments Other assets include rapid response time and portability. These properties make Wiegand cards and readers ideal for use in the field

8 What About The Wiegand Protocol ? The communication protocol used on a Wiegand interface is known as the Wiegand Protocol. The original Wiegand format had : One parity bit 8 bits of facility code 16 bits of ID code A trailing parity bit for a total of 26 bits The first parity bit is calculated from the first 12 bites of the code and the trailing parity bit from the last 12 bits. However, many inconsistent implementations and extensions to the basic format exist. Many access control system manufacturers adopted Wiegand Technology, but were unhappy with the limitations of only 8 bits for site codes (0-255) and 16 bits for card numbers (0-65535), so they designed their own formats with varying complexity of field numbers and lengths and parity checking.

9 Wiegand is : An Electronic Effect A Card Technology A Specific Reader-To-Card Interface A Specific Binary Reader-To- Controller Interface An Electronic Signal Carrying Data The ‘Standard’ 26 Bit Binary Card Data Format

10 Beyond Wiegand Wiegand has been a standard in access control but it does not mean that this method should become a permanent speed bump on the access control landscape. Instead, the Wiegand method as the ‘standard’ should devolve when customers realize the vulnerability of Wiegand, and Wiegand wires should be replaced with intelligent and secure data lines. The Wiegand Technology has been replaced in favor of other hands-free proximity technologies; yet, today’s technologies still use the Wiegand Protocol, as it is a trusted, proven and reliable in access control applications. Technology just keeps on evolving! What’s next? Technology just keeps on evolving! What’s next?

11 We’re taking a break for the Holidays ! We’ll see you in 2016 !

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