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Personal Fitness PAF 3O. Personal Fitness ► Why are you taking this course? ► What do you hope to gain from participating in this course?

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Presentation on theme: "Personal Fitness PAF 3O. Personal Fitness ► Why are you taking this course? ► What do you hope to gain from participating in this course?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Personal Fitness PAF 3O

2 Personal Fitness ► Why are you taking this course? ► What do you hope to gain from participating in this course?

3 Total Fitness ► What does the term fitness mean? ► There are a number of areas that a person must show fitness in to be “totally fit” ► Social Fitness ► Emotional Fitness ► Mental Fitness ► Physical Fitness

4 Fitness Wheel

5 Social Fitness ► The ability to get along with others, interact with people in different situations, deal with situations that you encounter in daily life. ► Example: some people have difficulty dealing with large groups of people like the 1000 people in SRB.

6 Emotional Fitness ► The ability of a person fulfill certain needs, including: ► Sense of individual worth ► Feeling of acceptance or belonging ► Self confidence ► Love and be loved

7 Mental Fitness ► Ability of a person to satisfy and improve his/her mental and educational experience. ► Understand right and wrong (legal). ► We will discuss this further in health unit.

8 Physical Fitness ► The one we will concentrate on in this course. ► Definition: Physical fitness is the ability to carry out one’s daily activities as efficiently as possible and with a minimum of effort. It will vary from person to person.

9 Physical Fitness ► Benefits of physical fitness include: ► Weight control ► Stress reduction ► Increase in energy ► Greater ability to resist disease ► Better sleep ► More productive ► Increased self esteem

10 Components of Physical Fitness ► Cardio-respiratory endurance ► Muscular strength ► Muscular endurance ► Flexibility

11 Cardio-respiratory endurance ► The efficiency of the heart and lungs to deliver oxygen to the muscles. ► Remove carbon dioxide. ► Can be developed. ► Running, swimming, biking. ► Minimums in terms of time and heartrate. ► 20 min/ 80% on Max HR

12 Muscular strength ► The amount of energy a muscle can put forth in one effort. ► Muscle will become stronger when used regularly and weaker when not used. ► Hypertrophy and atrophy ► Males will develop size more easily than females due to hormones (testosterone). ► Isometric and isotonic exercise

13 Muscular strength ► Isometric exercise is when the muscle length does not change, such as wall sit. ► Isotonic exercise is when the muscle contracts or lengthens when working against a load or force, such as weight lifting.

14 Muscular Endurance ► The capacity to perform an activity for a long period of time without becoming tired. ► Important for distance type activities such as swimming, running, biking in conjunction with cardio-respiratory fitness. ► Training for this will develop muscle tone rather than increase muscle size.

15 Flexibility ► Range of motion at a joint (where two bones come together). ► Increased flexibility leads to increase performance and less injury to muscles and ligaments. ► To increase flexibility you need to work daily at stretching. ► Hold for 30-45 sec at stretch without pain.

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