Australian Bureau of Meteorology Satellite Data Use and Exchange Country Report for Australia Gary Weymouth.

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Presentation on theme: "Australian Bureau of Meteorology Satellite Data Use and Exchange Country Report for Australia Gary Weymouth."— Presentation transcript:

1 Australian Bureau of Meteorology Satellite Data Use and Exchange Country Report for Australia Gary Weymouth

2 Acknowledgements David Griersmith, Anthony Rea, Chris Tingwell, John LeMarshall, SpBOS staff including Mike Willmott, Ian Grant, Mike Kenny

3 Services provided by the Australian Bureau of Meteorology weather forecasts and warnings (and tsunamis) climate and hydrological information in support of aviation, shipping, defence, industry and the general public, to enhance economic and social well-being

4 Main Satellite Activities ABoM Local and indirect reception, processing and archive of satellite data –e.g.NOAA, MTSAT-1R, FY-1D, FY-2C,D, Terra/Aqua, ?Metop. –e.g. GOES, Meteosat, ERS-2, DMSP, ENVISAT, Quikscat. Ranging of geostationary satellites National and international activities including real-time user access (e.g.APSDEU, WMO, MOUs, APSATS, APRSAF, GEOSS) Applications including NWP, oceanography education and training (led by BMTC)

5 Recent ABoM developments ABoM now has responsibility for water availability measurement (expect to become major users of high-resolution satellite data) Upcoming adoption of UKMO NWP and 4D-Var data assimilation – will positively improve impact of satellite data on local NWP. Part of enhanced resources for reception and use of satellite data pooling of BMRC research resources with CSIRO to form Centre for Australian Weather and Climate Research (CAWCR)

6 Crib Point - south of Melbourne (SE Australia)

7 Geostationary Products Imagery for Forecasters Atmospheric Motion Vectors Sea Surface Temperatures Solar exposure volcanic ash detection

8 MTSAT / FY2D animation

9 GEO and polar nav / cal plan to produce more quantitative cross- calibration of polar and geo IR data – eg improve MTSAT / FY2 loop just shown; quantitative uses eg SST. Investigate improvements to nav – eg consistency between different satellties


11 Locally Generated MTSat-1R Atmospheric Motion Vectors Table 1. Real time schedule for MTSat-1R Atmospheric Motion Vectors at the Bureau of Meteorology. Sub ‑ satellite image resolution, frequency and time of wind extraction and separations of the image triplets used for wind generation (/\T) are indicated. Wind TypeResoluti on Frequency-Times (UTC) Image Separation Real Time IR 4 km 6 ‑ hourly – 00, 06, 12, 18 15 minutes Real Time IR (hourly) 4 kmHourly – 00, 01, 02, 03, 04, 05,..., 23 1 hour

12 Fig. 2 (a) Measured error (m/s) versus EE for high-level MTSAT-1R IR winds (13 March - 12 April 2007 Fig. 2 (b) Measured error (m/s) versus EE for low-level MTSAT-1R IR winds (13 March - 12 April 2007)

13 Table 4. Mean Magnitude of Vector Difference (MMVD) and Root Mean Square Difference (RMSD) between MTSat ‑ 1R AMVs, forecast model first guess winds and radiosonde winds for the period 30 May to 15 June 2007 LevelData Source Bias (ms -1 ) No. of Obs MMVD (ms -1 ) RMSVD (ms -1 ) High – up to 150 km separation between radiosondes and AMVs AMVs-0.5513863.904.47 First Guess 1.377613864.425.09 Low - up to 150 km separation between radiosondes and AMVs AMVs-0.765403.183.72 First Guess -0.705402.723.12 Low – up to 30 km separation between radiosondes and AMVs AMVs-0.44182.453.08 First Guess -0.20182.673.07

14 Table 5 (a) 24 hr forecast verification S1 Skill Scores for the operational regional forecast system (LAPS) and LAPS with IR, 6 ‑ hourly image based AMVs for 1 to 14 September 2007 (26 cases) LEVEL(LAPS) S1 (LAPS + MTSAT-1R AMVS) S1 1000hP a 900 hPa 850 hPa 500 hPa 300 hPa 19.31 18.50 17.92 13.00 10.31 18.85 18.18 17.65 12.27 9.81 Initial Results

15 local & Japanese AMVs positive impact on NWP hourly high-density local MTSAT AMV’s being trialled in 4D-Var with positive impact

16 Example of output from the Bureau's solar radiation model using MTSAT-1R visible observations and ancillary data

17 Polar orbiter Products Sea Surface Temperatures Normalised Differential Vegetation Index (NDVI) Grassland Curing Index Fog and Low Cloud Detection Level 1c,d AMSU and HIRS Radiances Significant Events volcanic ash total precipitable water (GPS)

18 Coverage from Bureau Receiving Stations

19 Sea Surface Temperatures

20 Maximum Value Composite NDVI product


22 NOAA fog / low cloud imagery

23 NWP impact

24 Operational requirements for timely forecasts compel early data cut-offs for basedate-time analyses. Locally received and processed ATOVS data (top row) fill in the gaps in the global ATOVS data set supplied by the Met Office (bottom row) caused by the early cut off. It is hoped that in the near future data from the Regional ATOVS Retransmission Service (RARS) will also be used. Tests with radiances supplied by JMA should start soon. 12Z00Z LOCAL GLOBAL




28 TC Kerry

29 NWP plans (several years) extend use of locally-received ATOVS additional AMVs AIRS SSMI IASI MODIS polar AMVs GPS-occultation ASCAT

30 Other applications GHRSST, altimetry, … AIRS, IASI soundings for forecasters as part of composite observing system (eg including AMDAR, GPS-occultation, radiosonde, surface obs,…) water availability

31 Locally received satellite data MTSAT-1R/FY-2D: Melbourne HO & Crib Pt (near Melbourne) NOAA: Crib Pt (2), Darwin, Perth, Casey (Antarctica), Alice Springs, Davis FY-1D: Melbourne, Darwin, Casey MODIS: Hobart, Perth, (Alice Springs from ACRES); AIRS Perth Hobart, Alice Springs, Perth - consortia MTSAT-1R, FY-2C - Perth, Darwin, Brisbane & Sydney, plus Melbourne ?metop

32 Indirectly received satellite data Meteosat & GOES from SSEC, UKMO, Eumetsat NOAA from SSEC University of Wisconsin INSAT from Internet scatterometer e.g. from GTS or QuikSCAT from NOAA/NESDIS ERS altimeter in BUFR from GTS ENVISAT RA and AATSR ftp from ESA SSM/I DMSP from NOAA/NESDIS ATOVS (SATEMs) from NOAA/NESDIS & UKMO SATOB AMVs and SSTs metop (will be direct if direct broadcast returns) AIRS from NESDIS

33 X-band Project Contract signed with ES&S in February for $1.6m Three proposed sites – –Northern Territory (Darwin area) –Victoria (Crib Point) –Antarctica (Casey) Three problems – –Site Tenure –Radiofrequency licensing –Logistics

34 Geostationary L-band Polar Orbiting X-band Polar Orbiting

35 Coverage from Bureau Receiving Stations

36 What does that give us? Advanced Imagers –Good for looking at surface properties –Improved cloud and land surface products Cloud examples: Cloud temperature, cloud phase, polar winds Surface: colour imagery, grassland curing, sea surface temperature

37 What does that give us (2)? Hyperspectral Sounders –Good for looking at the atmosphere –Improved temperature and moisture measurement NWP Application Soundings independent of models Atmospheric chemistry


39 AIRS Impact "This AIRS instrument has provided the most significant increase in forecast improvement in this time range of any other single instrument," Retired U.S. Navy Vice Adm. Conrad C. Lautenbacher, Jr., Ph.D., Undersecretary of Commerce for Oceans and Atmosphere and NOAA administrator.

40 Means of rapidly disseminating locally received ATOVS data to avoid delays associated with global data Dr David Griersmith is the Asia-Pacific RARS coordinator Regional ATOVS Retransmission Service (RARS)

41 Timeliness of Australian RARS data usually starts going onto GTS within 15 minutes of completion of image reception

42 ASIA-Pacific RARS Status Processing/Dissemination Centre HRPT stations from which data are made available from the Centre Comments TokyoTokyo Kiyose Syowa, Antarctica Seoul Korea Beijing, Guangzhou and Urumiji MelbourneMelbourne Crib Point Darwin Perth Singapore New Zealand Hong Kong expected by end of 2007.

43 Projected Status – June 2008 Processing/Dissemination Centre HRPT stations from which data are made available from the Centre Comments TokyoTokyo Kiyose Syowa, Antarctica Seoul Korea Beijing, Guangzhou and Urumiji MelbourneMelbourne Crib Point Darwin Perth ?Davis Singapore New Zealand Hong Kong Fiji Fiji could be end 2008 Townsville mid-2009+, Casey early 2009 Davis subject to bandwidth. Top priority satellites and instruments? (Davis metop not until 2008/9)

44 Benefits to NWP Significant improvements to short cut-off analyses have been demonstrated at JMA using AP-RARS data. Impact experiments within the Bureau ’ s regional and global models have also clearly demonstrated the value of timely data.

45 Issues Ageing infrastructure –UIMP and X-band rollout Radio Frequency Protection –Ongoing dialogue with regulator –Give and take approach

46 Future Reception Plans Completion of X-band Network Completion of USB Rollout –End of L-band reception after METOP? Expansion of RARS –Incorporation of X-band data FengyunCAST –Increasing use of alternate means of data dissemination –End of direct reception?

47 Australia: requirements Requirements via RARS: –ATOVS, ASCAT, AIRS, IASI, possibly GPS occultation other data –MODIS, DMSP (e.g.SSM/IS), possibly GPS occultation Geographical regions: global. Australian region requirements well met but would like to expand to Antarctica, then global Data formats: BUFR mainly for NWP, netCDF for some data Timeliness: 30 mins preferably for GEO data Modelling - adopting UKMO NWP system Access Mechanisms: initially GTS; later would like satellite broadcast eg FengYunCAST

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