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Climate-Smart Conservation: securing our future Melissa Pitkin and Point Blue Staff CA State Parks Commission September 19, 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Climate-Smart Conservation: securing our future Melissa Pitkin and Point Blue Staff CA State Parks Commission September 19, 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Climate-Smart Conservation: securing our future Melissa Pitkin and Point Blue Staff CA State Parks Commission September 19, 2014

2 We are totally reliant on nature

3 Define Climate-Smart Conservation Introduce you to the 6 Principles Show examples of how to implement Climate-Smart Conservation

4 Specifically addresses impacts of climate change with other environmental threats. Prioritizes solutions for wildlife and people that includes nature: sustain vibrant, diverse ecosystems; reduce climate risks to human and natural communities, increase ability to respond and adapt (adaptation); reduce GHG emissions (mitigation).

5 Climate-Smart Conservation Key Principles 1. Focus on future conditions, not past 2. Design actions in watershed/ecosystem context 3. Employ flexible, adaptive approaches 4. Prioritize actions for multiple benefits 5. Collaborate & communicate across sectors 6. Practice the 10% Rule

6 1. Focus on Future Conditions: including extremes —plan for and work with ecological change

7 2. Design Actions in an Ecosystem Context — keep ecosystems functioning, maintain diversity, plan for multiple benefits Ecosystem Context

8 3. Employ Flexible, Adaptive Approaches – monitoring is key to make this happen 1. Identify assumptions, targets, indicators 2. Identify threats, vulnerabilities & opportunities 4. Implement actions & monitor 3. Identify options & prioritize MONITOR, EVALUATE, ADAPT

9 4. Prioritize Actions– across range of future scenarios for multiple benefits to wildlife and people We all have limited time and money – can’t do it all Databases and models are available to project and plan decisions

10 5. Collaborate & Communicate Across Sectors - accelerate effective problem solving, share information openly, engage local communities – especially youth!

11 6. Apply the 10% Rule Every Day T T = Test & E E = Experiment N N = Now

12 To conservation decisions in the parks : Applying the principles Climate-Smart Habitat Restoration Wildlfire Grazing/rangelands Coastal Dunes Engaging the public

13 Climate-Smart Restoration

14 Climate-Smart Restoration – look forward past future Ecosystem state e.g., drought and floods = project adaptive capacity

15 Evaluate future conditions Drought – less rain More rain, strong storms, flooding Warmer or cooler temperatures Migration timing changes Flowers fruit and seed at different times Increased wildfire

16 Expand Climate-Smart Riparian Restoration Planting more species that: Withstand extremes Provide food year-round for disrupted phenologies

17 STRAW Program

18 Wildfire FIRE: implement mechanical thinning, prescribed burns + allow some high severity fires = fire resilience, create a habitat mosaic for wildlife

19 Rangelands and Water

20 Dunes and Sea Level Rise

21 Talk About It, Write About It, Teach It! Signs Trails Programs Campgrounds…. Make it Real

22 IN SUMMARY– Climate Smart We must engage in Climate Smart actions daily: 1.Focus actions on future conditions, not past 2.Design actions in ecosystem/watershed context 3.Employ flexible, adaptive approaches for timely response to continual change 4.Prioritize actions across multiple scenarios for greatest benefits to wildlife and people 5.Collaborate & communicate across sectors for timely, long term solutions; convey science and hope! 6.Follow the TEN% Rule: Test and Experiment Now!

23 Talk About It, Write About It, Teach It! Signs Trails Programs Campgrounds…. Make it Real Thank you!

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