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Foldables and Interactive Notebooks to Support Literacy Learning Karen Sumner, WRESA Spring 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Foldables and Interactive Notebooks to Support Literacy Learning Karen Sumner, WRESA Spring 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Foldables and Interactive Notebooks to Support Literacy Learning Karen Sumner, WRESA Spring 2015


3 What are foldables? 3 dimensional interactive graphic organizers that students create Can be used as a self-check study guide Can be used at any level and with any subject area Learning/Assessment tools Serve as mental models

4 Foldables are… Interactive graphic organizers Student-constructed visual displays used to organize information Active learning devices Student-owned Tool for diverse learners Great for linking new to prior knowledge

5 Foldables are… Instructional/learning tool Hands-on Flexible Endless in application Show order and completeness of student’s thought process Strengths and weaknesses of student’s understanding become clearly evident Great for ELLs

6 Foldables are for… Differentiating Instruction Core Instruction Extended Learning Alternative form of Assessment

7 Sample Use Introducing new vocabulary words Introducing a new skill, topic, or concept Before a chapter, lesson, story, etc. During the lesson After completing the chapter, lesson, story, etc. Guided Instruction or Guided Reading Writing process Review Anytime- daily

8 Research tells us… Help students focus on text structure as they read by: providing tools used to visually represent relationships in text helping students write well-organized summaries of text (Putting Reading First: The Research Building Blocks for Teaching Children to Read) Students are actively engaged in the instructional process and learning as they create foldables: Classroom Instruction That Works: Research Based Strategies for Increasing Student Achievement by Robert Marzano strategies are integrated (identification of similarities & differences, summarizing & note-taking, nonlinguistic representations, questions, cues, and advanced organizers, etc.)

9 Bloom-Marzano Hybrid Taxonomy: North Carolina Thinking Skills Levels KnowingOrganizingApplyingAnalyzingGeneratingIntegratingEvaluating Who did? When was? What is? Where? Identify... Describe... Match... Recall... Categorize... Classify... How is __ like or different? Contrast... Compare... Put in order... Reorganize __ by __ Represent __ by __ Give an instance which ___ How would you use...? Since you know __, how would you...? How would you illustrate...? How is __ an example of __? What are the attributes of __? What evidence is there for __? What are the parts of __? How do the parts relate? What are the main ideas? What is the conclusion? What caused? How many ways can you think of to __? What would happen if? Predict... Elaborate on... If you were __, how would you __? What can you infer? Create a plan to __ Summarize.. Generalize about __ How can you combine __ and __? Imagine... Give a synopsis... What are your standards? Is __ reliable? What is most significant? Evaluate... Judge... Verify the claims of __ How effective was __?



12 Lets make some foldables… Apply to your content: Lapbook Tri-fold Accordion Tab fold Two door book Envelope fold Layered book Mini book

13 Wiki address for more information: What’s included: Foldable templates and directions Videos on interactive notebooks and foldable use Pictures of foldables and interactive notebook examples

14 Foldable wiki m/ m/

15 Please take a few moments to evaluate this session! Your feedback is important.

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