Our aim was to develop ownership of the National Partnership reforms by all staff. All school staff were involved in a structured school evaluation to.

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2 Our aim was to develop ownership of the National Partnership reforms by all staff. All school staff were involved in a structured school evaluation to determine strengths, areas for development. All staff K-6 were involved in writing or contributing to the school plan over a period of time. Staff collaboratively identified focus areas for intensive development in 2012. Moving Forward Together

3 All staff members engaged in professional dialogue around the L3 literacy model which was then applied across K-6. This common basis led to an increase in professional dialogue about learning. Aspects of the quality teaching model we focused on included Scaffolded learning Explicit Teaching Using data to inform planning and practice In school professional learning Explicitly linking data analysis by the whole team with classroom pedagogy.

4  Each child is unique.  Children have much in common.  Children need love, acceptance, limits on behaviour, challenge and success.  Play is very important to children.  Children need time to be children.  Children tend to live up to, or down to, the expectations of important people in their lives.

5  Learning is a meaning making process.  When children experience success, their self confidence rises and they learn more effectively.  Children tend to learn when they feel safe yet challenged.  Children learn in different ways and at different rates.  Children learn by watching, joining in and imitating people.  Children through play, through handling materials and through solving real- life puzzles  Talking helps children learn.

6 SSeeing, touching, hearing, smelling, tasting and moving EExploring and experimenting with a wide variety of materials TTalking, listening and watching TTrial and error- mistakes, successes and opportunities to try again CCause and effect- experiencing the results of their actions  Making connections – between things that are alike and different BBeing with others and doing things with them – both children and adults IImitating – copying the actions and languages of others IImagining and pretending

7 Working as a team has embedded quality practice across the school in all we do. This will endure post funding.

8 What’s Changed? Stronger student engagement in literacy and numeracy. Stronger focus on student centred learning. Improved student outcomes shown in NAPLAN. Staff use a wider range of teaching and learning strategies in daily practice.

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