Ruth L. Pagerey, Ed.D. University at Albany, SUNY TEAC Annual Meeting February 23, 2011 San Diego, California.

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Presentation on theme: "Ruth L. Pagerey, Ed.D. University at Albany, SUNY TEAC Annual Meeting February 23, 2011 San Diego, California."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ruth L. Pagerey, Ed.D. University at Albany, SUNY TEAC Annual Meeting February 23, 2011 San Diego, California

2 “…[TEAC’s] primary work is to assure the public about the quality of these professional programs. It provides this assurance through a system of accreditation that examines and verifies the evidence institutions of higher education have for their claim that they prepare competent, caring, and qualified educators.” “Brief Overview and Update of the Teacher Education Accreditation Council” 2/23/02

3 TEAC’s Process Principles

4 TEAC Quality Principles Align with CAEP Standards and Processes


6 How can we maintain the integrity of the TEAC process?

7 Develop a culture of inquiry

8 Faculty 2005-062006-072007-08 NMnSDNMnSDNMnSD My students can effectively use technology in the classroom4550.9475.30.9465.70.9 Graduates 2005-062006-072007-08 NMnSDNMnSDNMnSD I developed the ability to effectively use technology in the classroom4864.21.44924.51.44754.71.3 Alumni 200820092010 NMnSDNMnSDNMnSD As a result of the program, I effectively use technology in my classroom842.80.9873.10.9832.61.1

9 Develop a culture of inquiry

10 Maintain your quality control system

11 Review claims periodically

12 Communicate

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