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Government Jeopardy. LegislativeExecutiveJudicialWhich Branch?Random 100 200 300 400 500.

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Presentation on theme: "Government Jeopardy. LegislativeExecutiveJudicialWhich Branch?Random 100 200 300 400 500."— Presentation transcript:

1 Government Jeopardy

2 LegislativeExecutiveJudicialWhich Branch?Random 100 200 300 400 500

3  What is the Legislative branch’s job? Legislative 100

4  They make the laws. Legislative 100 Answer

5  Who makes up the national Legislative Branch? Legislative 200

6  Congress Legislative 200 Answer

7  What are the two parts of the national Legislative Branch? Legislative 300

8  Senate and House of Representatives Legislative 300 Answer

9  How many people make up the Senate in Congress? Legislative 400

10  100 Legislative 400 Answer

11  How many people make up the House of Representatives in Congress? Legislative 500

12  435 Legislative 500 Answer

13  What is the Executive Branch’s job? Executive 100

14  To enforce the laws. Executive 100 Answer

15  Who is the leader of our city? Executive 200

16  The Mayor Executive 200 Answer

17  Who is the leader of our state? Executive 300

18  Governor Executive 300 Answer

19  Who is the leader of our country? Executive 400

20  The President Executive 400 Answer

21  How long can the President serve? Executive 500

22  4 years, 2 terms Executive 500 Answer

23  What is the Judicial Branch’s job? Judicial 100

24  To interpret the laws. Judicial 100 Answer

25  What is the name of the Judicial Branch for the state? Judicial 200

26  Georgia Supreme Court Judicial 200 Answer

27  How many Supreme Court Justices are there in the National Supreme Court? Judicial 300

28 99 Judicial 300 Answer

29  Who picks the Justices for the Supreme Court? Judicial 400

30  The President Judicial 400 Answer

31  Who picks the people who make up the Supreme Court? Judicial 500

32  The President Judicial 500 Answer

33  Which branch can declare war? Which Branch? 100

34  Legislative Which Branch? 100 Answer

35  Which branch decides court cases? Which Branch? 200

36  Judicial Which Branch? 200 Answer

37  Which branch writes the budget for the country? Which Branch? 300

38  Executive Which Branch? 300 Answer

39  Which branch tells our military what to do? Which Branch? 400

40  Executive Which Branch? 400 Answer

41  Which branch can impeach the President? Which Branch? 500

42  Legislative Making Laws 500 Answer

43  What do you call a document that congress makes into a law? Random 100

44  “Bill” Random 100 Answer

45  What is the word used when the President rejects a bill? Random 200

46  Veto Random 200 Answer

47  How long is a Senators term? Random 300

48  6 years Random 300 Answer

49  Who runs the country? Random 400

50  The United States Government Random 400 Answer

51  Who is the Chief Executive? Random 500

52  The President Random 500 Answer

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