LOGO Monthly report Planning Div. Liu, Ming Ta 2012.4.25.

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Presentation on theme: "LOGO Monthly report Planning Div. Liu, Ming Ta 2012.4.25."— Presentation transcript:

1 LOGO Monthly report Planning Div. Liu, Ming Ta 2012.4.25

2 Agenda Market newsRider Promotion reviewUL launchingNew Agent Reward ProjectNew Qualification of RecruitmentProject next month

3 Agenda Market newsRider Promotion reviewUL launchingNew Agent Reward ProjectNew Qualification of RecruitmentProject next month

4 Market News  On April 03, 2012, MOF had confirmed about assigning Mr Lin Hsuan Chyi, Taiwanese, become header of representative of Taiwan Life Insurance Company in Vietnam.  On March 30, 2012, MOF had accepted opening Vietnam Fubon Life Insurance Company in DaNang, Phuoc Ninh ward, Hai Chau district.

5  Government Raises Minimum Salary 220,000 VND (10 USD) will be added to the monthly minimum wage from May 1 st 2012. YearMinimum wage 2009650,000 VND (31 USD) 2010730,000 VND (34 USD) 2011830,000 VND (39 USD) May 20121,050,000 VND (49 USD) Market News

6 Agenda Market newsRider Promotion reviewUL launchingNew Agent Reward ProjectNew Qualification of RecruitmentProject next month

7 Accidental Death :100% SA Accidental Disability 5%~100% SA 30, Male, SA=100M Premium: 195.000 VND 30, Male, SA=100M Premium: 195.000 VND Hospital Indemnity  1 st ~7 th day: 100% SA  8 th ~120 th day: 150% SA Home Health Care Unit 50% SA I.C.U Indemnity: 100% SA B.I.C.U Indemnity:100% SA 30, Male, SA=100K Premium: 100.000 VND 30, Male, SA=100K Premium: 100.000 VND  CHEAP & HIGH PROTECTION Rider Promotion

8  RIDER PROMOTION CONTENT Time: 22/3~13/6/2012 (2012.Q2:4 th ~6 th working month) Product: R01 & R03 Content: FYP x 2.5 FYC x 1.2 Rider Promotion

9  Sale review in 4 th working month (2012.03.22~04.18) BranchHCMHNDNCTDnaiHPBtre BDO HCM HO R01&R03 Premium15341 42046 R01 & R03 Premium ratio R01&R03(*) 2012.4 th 2.2%0.3%2.4%0.4%1.1%3.6%2.1%0.6%1.1% 2011.11 th ~2012.3 rd 2.3%0.4%2.2%0.7%1.3% 1.4% - 1.1% NB Ratio of adding R01 & R03(**) 2012.4 th 69%7%58%14%25%69%51%12%29% 2011.11 th ~2012.3 rd 59%11%48%19%32%30%36% - 28% Rider Promotion (*) : R01 & R03 premium / total premium (**) : Premium with R01 & R03 / total premium

10 Agenda Market newsRider Promotion reviewUL launchingNew Agent Reward ProjectNew Qualification of RecruitmentProject next month

11 ItemI01I02I03I04 Policy TermUntil 99 years old20Years Age of Entry0~600~500~60 Death / TPDMax(AV,SA)AV + SAMax(AV,SA)AV + SA Long- Life/Maturity AV Special Benefit -- 15% total basic premium minus total withdrawal Guarantee interest rate 1 st ~10 th : 4% 11 th ~ : 3% 4% UL Launching Product feature Note : TPD only before age 65

12 StepContent Choose Product and SAI01, SA = 300M Basic premium Male 35, basic premium: 20VND per 1000VND  basic premium = 6M Pay premium 6M basic premium and top-up premium (*) First payment is at least 1 annual basic premium and 3M (**) Must pay first two year basic premium or be suspended (*** )Top-up premium per year: 0~5*basic premium Fee Initial cost Deduct in the beginning: (Ex: I01 basic: 50%~2.5% ; top-up:8% ~2.5%)  balance premium enter AV COI Monthly charge in AV:  Cover Death/TPD benefit DI & AV Company will announce DI rate every month AV will increase by DI rate 2012.April DI rate is 9.0% UL Launching

13 Item1 st 2 nd 3 rd 4 th 5 th 6 th ~PFYP Basic30%10%8%4.5% 2%70% Top-up4.5% 2%10% Example Basic Premium6M Top-up Premium4M Basic commission6M * 30% = 1.8M Top-up commission4M * 4.5% = 0.18M Total commission1.98M Total PFYP6M * 70% + 4M * 10% = 4.6M UL Launching

14 First Policy Year Promotion StandardFYCPFYP 1*Basic <= Top-up < 2*Basic35%90% 2*Basic <= Top-up38%100% Note 1: Basic premium>=4M Note 2: Promotion applied to basic premium only Note 3: Applied to 1 st payment only Second Policy Year Promotion StandardAdditional bonus Basic <= Top-up5% Note 1: Basic premium>=4M Note 2: Promotion applied to basic premium only Note 3: Applied to total top-up premium during 2 nd policy year UL Launching

15 Agenda Market newsRider Promotion reviewUL launchingNew Agent Reward ProjectNew Qualification of RecruitmentProject next month

16 levelNew comer PFYP Bonus New comerRecruiter IA PFYP ≧ 10.5M --0.3M PFYP ≧ 15M --0.6M SAS PFYP ≧ 15M 1.2M PFYP ≧ 24M 2M2.4M EAS PFYP ≧ 18M 1.5M PFYP ≧ 24M 2M PFYP ≧ 36M 4M SEAS PFYP ≧ 36M 3.6M PFYP ≧ 60M 6M New Agent Reward project

17 Time: 2012.6.14 (7 th working month) New Agent Reward project 6 th wkm Bonus based on PFYP of ~6 th wkm Bonus based on PFYP of ~6 th wkm 7 th wkm8 th wkm Bonus based on PFYP of ~7 th wkm Bonus based on PFYP of ~7 th wkm

18 IASAS EAS Time: 1wkm PFYP: 15M Policies: 2 cases OL D Time: 1wkm PFYP: 24M Policies: 2 cases New Qualification of recruitment

19 In 7 th working month SAS↑ still have qualification of recruitment From 8 th working month (including) Only EAS↑ have qualification of recruitment New Qualification of recruitment Time: 2012.6.14 (7 th working month)

20  Recruiter is demoted to SAS  The generation relation and IA performance tracing of his new comer would remain.  Recruiter is demoted to IA  The generation relation and IA performance tracing of his new comer would be canceled.  SAS promotion and assessment PFYP standard  Calculate by Personal PFYP (excluding IA performance tracing) Planning Project Next Month

21 Agenda Market newsRider Promotion reviewUL launchingNew Agent Reward ProjectNew Qualification of RecruitmentProject next month

22 Compensation scheme adjustmentNew Product design and submitPromotion Campaign related workAnnual target review Project Next Month


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