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November 19, 2015 Quarterly Debrief. Quarterly Meeting Minutes.

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Presentation on theme: "November 19, 2015 Quarterly Debrief. Quarterly Meeting Minutes."— Presentation transcript:

1 November 19, 2015 Quarterly Debrief

2 Quarterly Meeting Minutes

3 Quarterly Meeting Minutes Contd.

4 Quarterly Evaluation Results 28 attendees— 18 evaluations collected Q1. Have you been to a Quarterly Coalition Meeting before?  Yes, regularly— 12 (66%)  Yes, a few times— 3  No— 3 Q2. 100% would rate this session as excellent Q3. 100% gained knowledge as a result of this session Q4. 100% session was useful to my work Q5. 100% felt engaged in the meeting  All percentages based off of Strongly Agree and Agree combined

5 Quarterly Evaluation Results Question 6. Most Valuable Part of Meeting  Dr. McKay’s Presentation  Q & A following main presentation  Group Discussion  Learning that getting people to vaccinate is about our attitude as a HCP  Learning how other practices promote vaccination  Approach to parents about vaccination  Understanding practical solutions to vaccine hesitancy  Networking  Learning details that might get clients’ attention

6 Quarterly Evaluation Results Q7. What could have improved the meeting?  Videos showing severity of illnesses  Don’t break out into small groups. Instead have large group discussion as a time saver  Increase attendance  All options for vaccinations

7 Quarterly Evaluation Results Q8. Additional Comments or Topics for future meetings  Adult Vaccination  Immunization for daycare children  Interventions regarding parental immunization exemptions

8 Quarterly Evaluation Results Q9. Based on info provided, I intend to…  8– Share new knowledge with my supervisor  13– Share new knowledge with other staff members  1– Change my current practice by continuing to encourage immunizations  4– Secure promotional materials on this topic  4– Distribute campaign materials to clients, patients, parents, schools

9 Quarterly Evaluation Results Q10. Attend September meeting on Older Adult Health Disparities and Immunizations?  Yes—8  No— 9 Q11. New Actions  Put Links to materials on my agency’s website  Order materials– Flu vaccine pamphlets & flyers  Talked with clients/patients about flu vaccines  Reached approximately 50 people at Health Fair

10 Small Discussion Reflection Question 1: What adult immunization barriers have you witnessed or experienced for yourself, family members, friends, or the general population that were most concerning/challenging? Attitudes of HPV vaccine & completion rates Lack of vaccine requirement Poor knowledge of Flu and how vaccine is protective Culture Fear of needles Cost School nurses cannot talk to students about HPV vaccine Parents too busy or postpone for later time

11 Small Discussion Reflection Question 2: What are some solutions you believe would be effective in combating the barriers and challenges associated with adolescent immunizations? Provider stating “I recommend” School requirements Real life education

12 Small Discussion Reflection Question 3: What do you think your constituents know about adolescent immunizations? In other words, what is the gap in knowledge? Gap with parents- missing doses Parents have general knowledge of vaccines but barrier to getting all doses

13 Small Discussion Reflection Question 1-4 Advancing Immunizations: In the last 6 months, what have you done to promote immunizations? What worked? What didn’t? What strategies do you recommend? Talk and Call patients for immunization reminders Schools send out Blast E-mail to parents YouTube videos: “Someone you Love” Newspaper Articles (Hard to Find) Scheduling booster visit at time of 1 st vaccine

14 Small Discussion Reflection More on Advancing Adolescent Immunizations Automated Reminders Requirements Community Conference on girl/boy empowerment: add immunizations to curriculum Advocate- schools are a captive audience Open houses

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