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FAMILY PLANNING IN ARID LANDS OF KENYA by Jane Mutune University of Nairobi Wangari Maathai Institute for Peace and Environmental Studies.

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Presentation on theme: "FAMILY PLANNING IN ARID LANDS OF KENYA by Jane Mutune University of Nairobi Wangari Maathai Institute for Peace and Environmental Studies."— Presentation transcript:

1 FAMILY PLANNING IN ARID LANDS OF KENYA by Jane Mutune University of Nairobi Wangari Maathai Institute for Peace and Environmental Studies

2 Introduction Kenya population >40M and the arid lands support >20% of this. Drylands characterised by high temperatures, sparse vegetation, erratic and low rainfall significant immigration from high potential particularly in districts that are 50-85% ASAL Parts of drylands have ppln growth twice to ten times the average for Kenya However, compared to high potential areas, drylands- low population density coupled with the migratory nature of the inhabitants creates difficulties in the provision of essential social services such as schools and health facilities.

3 Unsustainable ppln growth Difficult roads; large distances involved reach govt’-provided health clinics, rural communities often have limited access to basic healthcare services including FP, Meaning families cannot choose the number of children they have and many cases, families cannot afford family planning even if it is available. 43% of Kenyan pregnancies were unintended in 2013, resulting in over 450,000 abortions (African Population and Health Research Centre). Most mothers have 5 or more children, meaning that since 1979, the population of Kenya has almost tripled from 15.3 million to over 43 million today. Pressure on both the local environment and the financial situation of families, most of whom in rural areas live below the poverty line, and cannot feed and educate such large numbers of children

4 Family planning and sustainable livelihoods “Family planning could bring more benefits to more people at less cost than any other technology now available to the human race.” UNICEF Population growth and environmental degradation are inextricably linked. As more people rely on the environment’s natural resources, it becomes more difficult to manage those resources in a sustainable way. Pressure on the sustainace base compromises quality of life/ reduced access to assets (5K) High birth rates and lack of education locks women in a vicious cycle of poverty

5 FP in Drylands Path way to improve livelihoods through FP Several NGOs involved e.g. Community Health Africa Trust; CHASE Africa and provide the basic services they need via MoH qualified nurses needed in these inaccessible areas. The NGOs work with Family Planning Community Based Distributors ) who mobilise their surrounding FPCBD- trained by NGOs reach communities with family planning messages and provide access to contraceptives via door-to-door visits. Solar powered fridges are used to preserve the medicine, camels for mobile clinics e.g. CHAT reached more than 41 communities; >6000 sensitized on FP in 2013

6 FP Methods A variety of family planning methods are offered; Most popular among women is the contraceptive implant; It offers protection for 5 years. At less than £20 per woman, this method is incredibly cost- effective, Extremely useful for women cannot access the pill regularly- used by ¾ of women in dryland (CHAT, 2013) Second most popular Depo-Provera injection, lasts 3 months, provides more flexibility for women who may want to have children in the near future- used by 1/8 of women in drylands CHASE recorded increased distribution of condoms a highlighting the increasing openness amongst men towards the use of contraception in these traditional communities.

7 FP in dryland Solar powered fridgeFitted implant

8 Conclusion Scale up FP and birth control methods, to mitigate population growth and its impacts To break poverty trap, empower girl child- education for economic advancement To increase receptiveness- FP initiatives should include inputs of locals

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