“The quality of the writing can never be better than the quality of the research” By Herman Holtz.

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Presentation on theme: "“The quality of the writing can never be better than the quality of the research” By Herman Holtz."— Presentation transcript:

1 “The quality of the writing can never be better than the quality of the research” By Herman Holtz

2 How do we judge the quality of the writing? Our own standards Mystery Novel vs. Technical Manual

3 “Research vs. writing quality” Well written general information Trouble with the details Master the subject before explaining to others

4 “A diagnosis and its test” The writer will be in denial Conduct your research twice

5 Is your research adequate? Have an objective eye Search for areas of vagueness Be suspicious of a declining technical level

6 “Great writing due to great research” Thorough research is required Judge your research by the adequacy of your knowledge

7 “Research can be poor, mediocre, or great, and it takes great research to turn out a great how-to manual.”

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