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Common Core What Juniors Should Know about the “Test”

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Presentation on theme: "Common Core What Juniors Should Know about the “Test”"— Presentation transcript:

1 Common Core What Juniors Should Know about the “Test”

2 To give you accurate & relevant information to help you be an informed student.

3 Why should I care? Because that’s what you are all asking....

4 You should care because... College & Career Ready Index Transcripts Colleges look at the scores of schools as a “value” of your diploma Your EAP score – a college readiness measure

5 So tell me about this test?

6 CAASPP TestCAASPP Standards CA Common Core ELA & Math

7 CAASPP California Assessment for Student Performance and Progress

8 CAASPP Spring ELA & Math Computer Adaptive (like iReady) Baseline Data/ EAP IMPORTANT to do you best

9 Creativity Evaluation Analysis Application Comprehension Knowledge

10 Creativity Evaluation Analysis Application Comprehension Knowledge

11 Creativity Evaluation Analysis Application Comprehension Knowledge CSTs CAHSEE

12 Test Content Your ability to think and reason Express your reasoning and support with evidence Clear and accurate Breadth & Depth How you use that knowledge

13 Four (4) Types of Questions To analyze your thinking

14 A Note about “Stimuli” Reading Fiction/ literature Non-fiction/informational Video Audio Slide Show

15 Selected Response (SR)

16 Going to occur after passages of reading/stimuli Fiction (30%) Non-fiction/informational (70%) Selected Response (SR)

17 Many possible answers; choose the BEST Multiple correct answers Pull (copy-paste) samples from the text passages

18 ELA Math

19 Selected Response: Example Differentiation

20 SR can and may have MANY possibilities: All options will be plausible Can be one or many You are being tested on your ability to differentiate Selected Response (SR)- NOT multiple choice

21 Constructed Response (CR)

22 Response to stimuli “Short answer” question Explain your answer – your “reasoning”, i.e. it has to make sense Provide EVIDENCE!

23 Constructed Response: Example #1


25 Constructed Response: Example #2

26 Extended Response

27 Extended Response (ER) Open-ended question NOT “solve” the problem Multiple steps Requires lengthier justification or explanation Supply a solution

28 Extended Response (ER) –Example #1

29 Extended Response: Example #2

30 Performance Tasks (PT)

31 Performance Task (PT) Measures ability to integrate knowledge and skills Measures multiple standards Measures depth of understanding, research skills, complex analysis

32 Performance Task (PT): Example #1 - ELA Classroom Activity Discussion (20 min) Part 1 Students examine/take notes on Stimuli (50 min) Part 2 Full-length argumentative “report” (70 min)

33 Performance Task (PT): Example #2 - Math After a class discussion of data charts Model: Graph of a Line Give your Rationale

34 Compare = Critical Thinking Model: Graph of a Line Give your Rationale of the Differences

35 Technology Enhanced??? What is it??

36 Just means you do it with the computer...

37 Drag & Drop the Cars on the number line

38 Copy-paste sentences Word processing

39 Can you show it to me?

40 Your Tool Bars

41 ELA

42 English Language Arts (ELA) Reading Writing Listening Language Research & Inquiry



45 Math

46 Concepts & Procedures Problem solving/Modeling & Data Analysis Communicating Reasoning Adapts for demonstration of highest math ability



49 Try it!

50 How will I be scored?

51 NEW Scoring NOT scored on number of correct answers (%) BOTH the number of correct answers AND the difficulty of the questions completed. 11 th grade – college ready? Un-timed test!

52 NEW Scoring Overall ScoreELA (Overall Score)Math (Overall Score) Separate Scores Reading Concepts & Procedures Writing Problem Solving/Modeling & Data Analysis Listening Communicating Reasoning Research/Inquiry

53 Page 2, at the Bottom

54 How are you being prepared by your Awesome GUSD teachers?

55 Preparation Participated in the field test last year Computer adaptive (iReady) Questions in your all your classes, especially ELA & Math CR/PT activities, tests, quizzes CRITICAL THINKING

56 Other Testing Pass CAHSEE to Graduate History STAR Test Class assessments: preparing you!!!! SAT/ACT AP

57 Questions & Answers. Thanks for Your Attention. Have a GREAT Year!

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